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343 results for crime victims
343 results for crime victims

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Using complexity science to understand social problems

On 1 January 2021, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) senior methodologist Frank Pijpers was appointed Professor of Complexity for Official Statistics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).


Girls more likely to be harassed, stalked online

5.3 percent of 12 to 24-year-old internet users report that they were bullied, stalked or threatened online in 2018. Over 140 thousand young people were affected.


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2020 Summary

This Annual Report Youth Monitor 2020 Summary explores the situation of young people in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Feelings of insecurity by background characteristics

Feelings of insecurity due to crime Scared to be at home alone, or open the front door, scary places etc.


Three-quarters of cybercrime cases not reported

In 2016, around one-quarter of all cybercrime cases was reported. This number is lower than four years previously.


13 people a day die after a fall

In 2018, a total of 4,628 people in the Netherlands died due to an accidental fall, nearly 600 more than in the previous year. This comes down to 13 fatal falls per day on average.


Digitale veiligheid en criminaliteit

Hoeveel mensen werden slachtoffer van cybercrime? CBS-redactiechef Dick ter Steege vat de resulaten van pilotonderzoek 'Digitale Veiligheid en Criminaliteit' samen.


Looking back on the 2010s in figures

Using 15 indicators, CBS reviews the past decade: the 2010s.



Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of safety? Crime and feeling safe or unsafe affect people’s quality of life. The distribution is...


Asylum and integration 2020

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2019


Decline in road fatalities larger among motorists than cyclists

The number of traffic deaths has decreased more sharply among motorists than among cyclists over the past two decades.


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. SDG 16.1 aims to promote a safe society in which everyone has access to a fair legal...


45 percent of young people see pollution as a problem

The majority of 18 to 24-year-olds believe that things are heading in the right direction in the Netherlands. They do not consider social issues such as crime, a multicultural society, population...


Caribbean Netherlands; perception of (un)safety, personal characteristics

perception of (un)safety, assessment of crime and safety sex, age, educational level


Trainees seek out new data sources

Our team was tasked with finding out how the dark web can be used to source information for new statistics on digital crime.


Dutch population feels a little safer

At the beginning of 2006, fewer people in the Netherlands did not feel safe than twelve months previously. People living in Zeeland felt safest. The number of crimes people experienced was also down,...


Pilot Study: Mobile Phone Meta Data Records – Introduction to the research method

Mobile Phone Meta-Data, mobile phone data, method, processing method, privacy, statistical disclosure control


Feelings of safety unchanged

The Dutch popluation has been less affected by crime in recent years. At the end of 2008, one in four people in the Netherlands said they had been the victim of a criminal offence in the previous...


Well-being not distributed equally

Highly educated people often have a higher level of well-being than lower educated people but are more often victims of crime.


People feel less unsafe

The proportion of Dutch aged 15 years and older who occasionally felt unsafe in 2011 was marginally lower than one year previously. The proportion who reported they had been victims of common crime...


One in eight people affected by cybercrime

In 2012 just over one in eight Dutch people aged 15 years or older reported that in the preceding twelve months they had been the victim of cybercrime such computer hacking and online bullying.


More young suspects

In 2005, more than 3 percent of people aged between 12 and 25 were questioned by the police as crime suspects, as against 2 percent five years ago.
