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4252 results for use of medicines

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Economic situation deteriorating further in July

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has deteriorated further this month.


Unemployment rising less rapidly in August

In August 2020, 426 thousand people were unemployed, equivalent to 4.6 percent of the labour force.


Economic description of the Dutch North Sea and coast

Economic description of the Dutch North Sea and coast.


Higher trade deficits on Bonaire and Saba in 2019

In 2019, Bonaire saw the highest increase in trade deficit among the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.


Economy enters recession stage

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in mid-April is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.


Consumer prices on Bonaire 1.0 percent up in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 1.0 percent more expensive than one year previously.


Purchase value of sales

The costs of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, packaging materials, trading goods, wages for work hired for the production of the goods and services used in the production within the...


CBS expert group to focus on how to measure the new economy

CBS expert group to focus on how to measure the new economy


EU more important trading partner for Ukraine than vice versa

Ukraine is a very small trading partner for the European Union (EU)


Renewable energy consumption up by 16 percent

In 2019, renewable energy consumption in the Netherlands grew by 16 percent to 181 petajoules (PJ) relative to the previous year.


Consumer price increase remains at 1.2 percent in May

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.2 percent higher in May than in the same month last year.


Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending, 2003-2018

Supply, consumption and blending of biofuels broken down into biogasoline and biodiesel.


National airports handled 98 percent fewer passengers in April

In April 2020, nearly 134 thousand passengers travelled to and from the five national airports.


Donorregistration; background characteristics

Background characteristics Sex, age, origin and generation


Kerosene consumption to lowest level in two decades

In March 2020, sales of petrol, diesel and fuel oil as well as the consumption of kerosene were down by 13 percent relative to January; year-on-year, the decline amounted to 12 percent


Educational institutions; Finances 1998-2018

Education finance, income, costs, assets, liabilities, current ratio. Income statement, balance sheet, investments, performance indicators.


Less rapid consumer price increase in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.4 percent higher in March than in the same month last year.


How data determine who are the people of Europe

How data determine who are the people of Europe


Economy deeper in recession in June

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has still deteriorated rapidly this month. The economy has entered a stage of deep recession.


Commercial property price index available now

Commercial property price index available now


Labour Force Survey redesigned in 2021

Labour Force Survey redesigned in 2021


Higher CO2 emissions in fourth quarter of 2019

In the fourth quarter of 2019, CO 2 emissions were 1.8 percent up year-on-year.


Less rapid consumer price increase in April

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.2 percent higher in April than in the same month last year.


Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss

Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss


Economic picture mid-April slightly less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in mid-April is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.
