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3357 results for nature value
3357 results for nature value

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Considerable increase in foreign trade

In June 2004 the value of goods imported to the Netherlands was 17 percent up on June 2003. The value of goods exported from the Netherlands was 18 percent up on June last year.


Exports growth slightly up

The volume of exports of goods increased by more than 5 percent in March relative to twelve months previously. Dutch exports had grown by nearly 4 percent in February. The volume of imports grew by...


How many cars are there in your neighbourhood?

On 1 January last year, 7.2 million cars were registered in the Netherlands, an average of 214 per square kilometre. In neighbourhoods where the average house value is low, car density tends to be...


Economic situation stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is more or less the same in March 2016 as in the preceding month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that most...


upbeat prospects for Dutch economy

Statistics Netherlands reports today that optimism about the Dutch economy prevails. Nearly all relevant indicators perform above the level of their long-term average. The economic situation improved...


Coal and coal products balance sheet; supply and consumption 1990-2018

Supply, imports, exports, stock change and consumption Coal and coal products


SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities. SDG 11 looks at suitable housing in safe, affordable, accessible and...


Dramatic downturn trade with Libya

The Arab League currently comprises 22 Arab nations. Dutch trade with member state Libya dropped most dramatically.


Imports of new cars and light motor vehicles; turnover change, 1995 - 2012

Importers of new cars and light motor vehicles; turnover change index 2005 = 100


Decline household consumption slightly less substantial

Household spending on goods and services in December 2011 was 1.3 percent down on twelve months previously. The decline is slightly less substantial than in the preceding months.


Modest growth for exports

The volume of exports of goods grew by 3 percent in February relative to twelve months previously. Over the past five months, exports growth ranged between 3 and 6 percent. The volume of imports...




More and more East European transporters active in the Netherlands

East European – in particular Polish – transport companies are increasingly active in the Netherlands. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands is the fifth largest exporter of transport...


The Netherlands EU's largest producer of cocoa butter

In 2006, the Netherlands imported nearly 450 million kg of cocoa beans worth more than 550 million euro. The value of the extracted cocoa butter totalled 650 million euro.


Greenhouse gas emissions higher due to winter cold and production growth

Greenhouse gas emissions were 6 percent higher last year than in 2009 and have risen for the first time in seven years. Greenhouse gas emissions are only 1 percent below the level of 1990, the base...


Architects' commissions continue to fall

The construction value of new commissions for architects fell substantially again in the second quarter of 2011.


Wintry weather affects household consumption

Household spending was 1.0 percent higher in December 2010 than in December 2009.


Import and exports higher in October

The value of imported goods increased by 7 percent in October 2004, reaching a value of 20.3 billion euro. The value of exports was 8 percent higher than in October 2003, reaching 23.2 billion euro.


Exports unchanged in 2003

The value of goods exported from the Netherlands was nearly exactly the samein 2003 as in 2002, at 234.4 billion euro. Imports were nearly 1 percent lower thanin 2002 at 204.4 billion euro. The...


Household consumption over 2 percent up in December

Dutch household consumption was over 2 percent up in December 2018 on December 2017.


Imports and exports 10 percent up in 2004

In 2004 the value of imported and exported goods was 10 percent up on 2003. The value of imports reached 228.0 billion euro, exports 257.8 billion euro. The effect of slightly higher import and...
