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3952 results for keyword:business cycle
3952 results for keyword:business cycle

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Increase in manufacturing prices more substantial

Selling prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were more than 4 percent higher in August 2012 than in August 2011. In July, prices for manufactured products were nearly 2 percent up from twelve...


Dutch exports grow slightly

The volume of the exports of goods grew by more than 1 percent in July relative to twelve months previously. In May and June, Dutch exports had increased by 9 percent and 5 percent respectively.The...


Second estimate Dutch second quarter economic growth: small upward adjustment

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.4 percent in the second quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year. This second estimate is 0.1 of a percent point higher than the first estimate published...


Increase in manufacturers' stocks slightly less substantial

In July 2012, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 2 percent up from July 2011. The increase was slightly less substantial than in May and June.


Fewer jobs

In the second quarter of this year, 53 thousand jobs of employees (a decline by 0.7 percent) were lost relative to the second quarter of 2011. Employment was down in many sectors relative to one year...


Modest growth Dutch economy compared to preceding quarter

The Dutch economy improved by 0.2 percent in the second quarter compared to the preceding quarter. Quarter-on-quarter economic growth had also been 0.2 percent in the first quarter.


House prices drop further

Prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings sold in August 2012 were on average 8.0 percent down from August 2011. Prices also plummeted 8.0 percent in July relative to twelve months previously.


Households spend less on goods and services

Household spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent down in July 2012 from July 2011.The decline is more substantial than in June. This was partly due to a change in tax legislation effective...


Zero growth private sector investments

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was the same in July 2012 as in July 2011. In June, private sector investments had increased by nearly 3 percent compared to one year...


Unemployment slightly up

Adjusted for seasonal variation, 514 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed in August, i.e. 4 thousand more than in July. In August, 6.5 percent of the Dutch labour force were unemployed,...


Marginal unemployment growth in August

According to the most recent figures, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation increased further in August 2012 by 4 thousand to reach 514 thousand.


Dutch consumers slightly less pessimistic

The mood among Dutch consumers was somewhat less negative in September than in August. The consumer confidence indicator climbed 3 points and reached -29. Although the mood has lifted a little...


Retail turnover 4 percent down

Retail sales were 4 percent down in July 2012 from the same month last year. Retail prices rose by 1.7 percent, the volume of sales shrank by 5.6 percent.


Retail sector faces substantial turnover loss

Dutch retailers suffered a 4 percent turnover loss in July relative to July 2011. Retail prices were nearly 2 percent higher; the volume of retail sales was nearly 6 percent down from twelve months...


Dutch exports barely grow

The volume of the exports of goods grew by nearly 1 percent in July relative to twelve months previously. In May and June, Dutch exports had grown by nearly 9 and nearly 5 percent respectively.


Terms of trade deteriorated

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods deteriorated in July 2012 relative to July 2011. Prices of exported goods were 1.4 percent higher, prices of imported goods rose by 2.1 percent.


More than 500 businesses bankrupt in August

In August, 507 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 220 fewer than in July.


Manufacturing output remains stable

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry in July 2012 was the same as in July 2011. In June, manufacturing output was still 2 percent down from one year previously.


Dutch inflation rate remains stable

Dutch inflation was 2.3 percent in August, just as in July. Motor fuel prices had an upward effect on inflation, but prices of clothing, for example, had a downward effect. On balance, inflation...


Inflation stable at 2.3 percent

Inflation remained stable in August. Just like in July, consumer prices were on average 2.3 percent up from one year previously.


Fewer job vacancies

The vacancy indicator deteriorated marginally in August compared to the preceding month.


Interest rate remains stable

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 1.8 percent in August 2012, the same rate as in July, when the interest rate reached its...
