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3449 results for data visualisations
3449 results for data visualisations

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Retail turnover over 3 percent up in 2019

The Dutch retail sector achieved 3.4 percent turnover growth in 2019.


TNO and CBS are joining forces on transparent and verifiable AI use

TNO and CBS are joining forces on transparent and verifiable AI use


People with social security benefits

Figures on the number of people with benefits concerning labour disablement, unemployment, income support and national insurances, end of December 2007, 2012 and 2018


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


Wat zijn de belangrijkste exportgoederen van Nederland?

Als het gaat om de toegevoegde waarde van exportproducten verdient Nederland het meest aan machines en machine-onderdelen. De toegevoegde waarde door de export van machines, zoals chipmachines en...


Exports up by almost 2 percent in September

The total volume of goods exports grew by 1.8 percent in September year-on-year. Growth was higher than in the previous month.


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures 2019

Dutch trade in facts and figures 2019 – export, investment and employment is an annually recurring publication. International trade in goods and services, investment, value chains, multinationals and...


Guests and nights in platform-related accommodations

This discussion paper describes a method to estimate the number of tourists and their overnight stays in platform-related accommodations, such as Airbnb and Booking.


EU webshop sales nearly 20 percent up in the Netherlands

In Q3 2019, Dutch consumers purchased 455 million euros worth of products from foreign EU webshops.


TNO-CBS Partnership for Trusted AI

TNO en het CBS, vertegenwoordigd door respectievelijk Paul de Krom, CEO bij TNO en Directeur-Generaal Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, slaan de handen ineen om via een Partnership for Trusted AI een transparant,...


Retail turnover almost 3 percent up in November

Dutch retail sector achieved 2.6 percent year-on-year turnover growth in November 2019. The volume of sales increased by 1.4 percent.


Investments almost 6 percent up in October

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 5.6 percent up in October 2019 relative to the same month last year.


Exports up by 2.5 percent in August

The total volume of goods exports grew by 2.5 percent in August year-on-year. Growth was higher than in the previous month.


Over 17.4 million inhabitants in the Netherlands

In 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew by an estimated 132 thousand people to a total of over 17.4 million.


Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) 2012-2017

Caribbean Netherlands, GDP Bonaire, Saba, St Eustatius


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q2 2019

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) showed 0.4 percent growth in Q2 2019 relative to Q1 2019.


Investments 8 percent up in September

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 8 percent up in September 2019 relative to the same month last year.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Construction sector leading in waste and recycling

Reuse of recycled materials contributes to the government target of realising a fully circular economy by 2050. The construction sector generated the most waste in 2016 but also used half of all...


Retail turnover almost 4 percent up in October

Dutch retail sector achieved 3.9 percent year-on-year turnover growth in October 2019.


Study on fair algorithms for policy-making

In Dutch society, more and more decisions are being made by automated systems which are based on algorithms.


Exports up by 1 percent in July

The total volume of goods exports grew by 1.0 percent in July year-on-year.


Foreign trade the core focus of a new CBS publication

Foreign trade the core focus of a new CBS publication


The accuracy of growth rates with classification errors

Evaluating the accuracy of growth rates in the presence of classification errors.


Population; sex, age and marital status, 1 January; 1950-2019

Population in The Netherlands by sex, age and marital status, 1 January
