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2520 results for European identity
2520 results for European identity

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Dramatic decline fatal road accidents in 2008

Last year, 750 people died on Dutch roads.


Balassa index

The publication of data about the specialisation of Dutch exports in commodities in relation to the exports of the EU (without the Netherlands).


More diabetics in obese population

Last year 4.8 percent in the Dutch population reported to have diabetes.


Continuing vocational training survey, 1993-2005

Costs of and number of employees with internal and external courses by branch of industry and size of enterprise


Population growth still determined by migration

Netherlands, 1st half of 2017: 100 thousand immigrants, 69 thousand emigrants, 82 thousand births, 78 thousand deaths


More cyclists killed on Dutch roads

811 people were killed in road traffic accidents in the Netherlands in 2006.


Dutch House prices fall by more than EU average

The average level of house prices in the European Union (EU) has been stable for three years, although there are great differences in price developments between the countries. In the Netherlands and...


Population growth again mainly due to migration

The population grew by over 80 thousand in the first three quarters of 2017, mainly due to foreign migration.


Environmental taxes

In 2016, the Dutch government collected 23.6 billion euros in environmental taxes and levies.


Life satisfaction rated 7.8 by the Dutch

Dutch people rate their life satisfaction at 7.8, taking them to fifth place within the EU.


Price developments in Dutch Caribbean mirror uniqueness of the three islands

“You can only govern a country, if you know the figures”, is a slogan used by Statistics Netherlands. The slogan also applies to the islands of Bonaire, Saint. Eustatius and Saba,...


Water supply, waste management; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Water supply, waste; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Water supply, sewerage, waste collection and treatment, remediation


Population up by over 100 thousand in 2017

The population of the Netherlands again saw relatively strong growth in 2017.


Substantial growth number of households in the Randstad in 2025

In 2025, there will be 8 million households in the Netherlands, an increase by 800 thousand relative to early 2007.


Delving into new methods and techniques

New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics


Budget surplus of almost 3 bn euros in 2016

The Netherlands has a budget surplus of nearly 3 bn euros for the first time since the global financial crisis.


CBS explores SDGs: starting point for a public debate

Last 4 November, Statistics Netherlands published an exploratory report on the measurement of SDGs for the Netherlands


Half of imports from the UK not for domestic use

In 2018, the Netherlands imported 26.4 billion euros worth of goods from the United Kingdom. This amount was only higher in 2012 and 2013.


Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing

Statistics International trade in goods by change of ownership and border crossing


Unemployment further down

More people found work or went back to work.
