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12890 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12890 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Mortality in week 2 lower than expected

In the second week of January (week 2: 10 to 16 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,250. This is over 100 less than expected.


Manufacturing output 14.1 percent up in July

In July 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 14.1 percent up on July 2020.


Population forecast, Caribbean Netherlands 2020-2050

Between 1 January 2011 and 1 January 2020, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands rose from 21 thousand to 26 thousand. This represents over 2 percent population growth per year.



How many people die in the Netherlands?


Well-being here and now: environment

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Environment.


Fewer bankruptcies in January

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has decreased. There were 21 fewer bankruptcies in January than in the previous month.


Household consumption 4.5 percent up in December

Consumers spent 4.5 percent more in December 2021 than one year previously, but 7.7 percent less than in December 2019.


Fewer foreign nationals refused at the border

In 2020, fewer people were refused entry into the Netherlands than in the previous year.


Fewer deaths in the last week of December

In the last week of December 2021 (week 52), the estimated number of deaths stood at slightly under 3,500


Mortality further down in week 1

In the first week of January (week 1: 3 to 9 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,450.


More and more renewable energy from biomass

In 2020, the consumption of energy from biomass resources such as biogas, biopetrol, the green part of household waste or wood products rose by 10 percent on the previous year, reaching a total of...


Work and family reunification main reasons for immigration

In 2018, the Netherlands received 191 thousand non-Dutch immigrants. They included 110 thousand people from EU/EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland); the main migration...



What is the current inflation rate?


Unemployment decline sharpest among young people

In July 2021, 289 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.1 percent of the labour force.


Economic importance of domestic exports has declined

In 2020, the Netherlands’ earnings from domestic exports accounted for 15.0 percent of GDP.


Exports up by over 22 percent in May

In May 2021, the total volume of goods exports was up by 22.2 percent year-on-year.


Economic outlook slightly more positive

In July 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become slightly more positive.


Manufacturers less positive

In January 2022, the mood among Dutch manufacturers is less positive. However, producer confidence is still well above its long-term average this month.


SDG 14 Life below water

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans. These are indispensable for CO2 capture and oxygen...


Gross seed onion yield nearly 12 percent up

In 2021, the gross yield of seed onions was 11.7 percent higher than in the previous year. The gross yield of ware potatoes declined by 10.7 percent. Sugar beet and wheat crop yields remained...


953 COVID-19 deaths in third quarter of 2021

In Q3 2021, altogether 953 people died due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), i.e. 2.5 percent of all deaths in that period.


121 million euros paid in duties on imports from the UK

In the first eight months since the UK's departure from the European single market, a total of 121 million euros was paid in import duties on Dutch imports from the UK.


Retail turnover over 4 percent up in 2021

Adjusted for the shopping day-pattern, the Dutch retail sector achieved 4.4 percent turnover growth in 2021.


Fewer food products crossing the Channel

In the period January-August 2021, fresh food exports to the UK declined in value by 193 million euros year-on-year.


International service trade below pre-pandemic level

In the first nine months of 2021, exports of services were 1.2 percent up on one year previously and stood at 146.3 billion euros. Imports of services stood at 141.6 billion euros, representing a...
