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4252 results for use of medicines
4252 results for use of medicines

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University bachelors graduating more quickly

The share of university students receiving a bachelor’s degree within four years has risen in the last few years.


Mortality in week 20 also below average among long-term care users

In week 20 (ending 17 May), the number of deaths among people receiving long-term care stood at approximately 1,030, i.e. around 150 below the number recorded over week 19.


Transitivizing elementary price indices

Transitivizing elementary price indices for internet data using the cycle method


Purchase value of sales

The costs of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods, packaging materials, trading goods, wages for work hired for the production of the goods and services used in the production within the...


Industrial spirit (SBP)

Special boiling point spirits (SBP) for industrial use.


Other kerosene

A medium heavy oil with a distillation range between 150 and 300 degrees Celsius used in sectors other than aviation.


Cokes coal

Sort of hard coal suitable for the production of cokes. These are used in blast furnaces.


Correspondence between survey and admin data on quarterly turnover

Correspondence between survey and value added tax data on quarterly turnover


Quasi stochastic population forecasts

Population forecast intervals obtained from 6 variants using a new technique are compared to stochastic forecasting.


CBS and the city of Heerlen start up Urban Data Center

CBS, Heerlen start Urban Data Center


Quality of the Dutch Medical Registration

Since 2011 Statistics Netherlands is responsible for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR) for the Dutch hospitals. Since there were some indications that there are...


Does balancing of survey response reduce nonresponse bias

Recently, representativeness indicators, or R-indicators, have been proposed as indirect measures of nonresponse error in surveys.


160 thousand fewer employed in April

In April, the number of people in paid employment fell by 160 thousand to 8.9 million. A decline of this magnitude within one month has not occurred since compilation of monthly figures started...


Dutch lead a slightly more healthy life

The percentage of overweight Dutch adults fell for the first time in years in 2005, among both men and women.


More health care provided with fewer hospital beds

In the period 1972-2006, the number of beds and patient days in general and university hospitals declined considerably. Simultaneously, the number of hospital admissions and treatment and nursing...


1 in 3 Sabans are highly educated

Among the three islands comprising the Caribbean Netherlands, Saba has relatively many highly educated inhabitants: a share of 33 percent among 25 to 74-year-olds. This is related to the fact that...


Consumption 0.7 percent down in February

The volume of domestic consumption was 0.7 percent smaller in February 2004 than in February 2003. This was the twelfth month in a row that consumption expenditure was lower than twelve months...


Substantial increase exports to Switzerland after appreciation of the franc

The value of exports of Dutch goods to Switzerland has risen substantially in the first four months of 2015. The importance of Switzerland in total Dutch exports increased marginally. The value of...


Continuing decline in mortality from acute heart infarcts

In 2014, over 139 thousand people deceased in the Netherlands. The number of deaths from an acute heart infarct in the Netherlands has been declining steadily since the 1970s, a trend which continued...


Inflation rate up to 1.6 percent in June

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.6 percent higher in June than in the same month last year.


Volume of exports to Scotland relatively low

The international trade between the Netherlands and Scotland in 2015


Three-quarters of population in the Caribbean Netherlands report good health

Three in four people aged 15 and older in the Caribbean Netherlands rate their health as good or very good. Sixty percent of the population are overweight. Three-quarters of the population had...


How CBS reports on mortality during the coronavirus crisis

How CBS reports on mortality during the coronavirus crisis
