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2221 results for agricultural areas
2221 results for agricultural areas

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Manufacturing output prices up by 3 percent

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 3 percent up in June 2017 from the same month last year.


Large municipalities account for three quarters of population growth until 2025

According to the new regional population and household forecast released today by the Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Dutch population will grow by...


More women than men opt for high-level mbo subjects

In secondary vocational education (mbo), women more often than men opt for training programmes at a higher level. Programmes with an emphasis on socio-pedagogical subjects are particularly popular.


Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activity (CPA)


Average retirement age employees more than 63 years

The average retirement age of employees had risen to more than 63 years in 2011.


Job vacancies continue to fall

The job vacancies in the Netherlands at 113 thousand at the end of March 2010, after correction for seasonal effects.


Highest economic growth in the province of Utrecht

The province of Utrecht had the highest economic growth in 2006: just over 4 percent. This is mainly the result of the fact that many companies in the business services and wholesale trade sectors...


Vacancies continue to rise

The number of job vacancies rose further in the first quarter of 2005. At the end of March 141 thousand vacancies were open, 13 thousand more than in the previous quarter.


More vacancies

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands rose by 17 thousand in the second quarter of 2006.


Stocks of fish

As a result of catch limits set by the European Union, important fish stocks for consumption in the North Sea


Unemployment rises to over 8 percent

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, seasonally adjusted unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 30 thousand in March, to 643 thousand people.Figures published by UWV – the...


Retirement age employees further up

The average age of retirement for employees in the Netherlands had risen to 62.7 years in 2010 and the increase was observed across all sectors. More than 70 thousand employees went into retirement...


Reduction CO2 emissions in first quarter

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were reduced by 1.3 percent in Q1 2016.


Bulk of sickness absence not work-related

Last year, nearly half of all employees in the Netherlands were at least one time absent from work because they were ill. Statistics Netherlands announced today that in nearly one quarter of cases,...


Randstad region and central part of the Netherlands attract many job seekers

In 2013, nearly 850 thousand people were less than one year active in their current job. Nearly a quarter of a million of these people were working outside their region of residence.



Dossier page on crime and immigration


Employment in the environmental goods and services sector

Since 2001 the share of total employment accounted for by the environmental goods and services sector (EGSS)


CBS launching Center for Big Data Statistics

Statistics Netherlands is focusing more and more on the use of big data for official statistics production.
