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4252 results for use of medicines
4252 results for use of medicines

Page 67 of 171

Exports to Turkey marginally higher

In 2008, the Netherlands exported nearly 4 billion euro worth of goods to Turkey, 2 percent more than in 2007. For the seventh year running, exports have grown. Since the turn of the century, exports...


Housing costs account for nearly 40 percent of expenditure lowest incomes

Housing costs make up the largest part of the household budget. In the lowest income categories, housing costs account for 39 percent of total household spending, but the share is smaller for higher...


Out of the starting blocks - A summary

Cohort study on asylum migrants who arrived in the Netherlands between Jan. 2014 and July 2017.


Connecting correction methods for linkage error in CRC

Connecting correction methods for linkage error in capture-recapture.


Road vehicle

Vehicle running on wheels and intended for use on roads.


Purchased raw and auxiliary materials

The value of purchased raw and auxiliary materials (including purchased semi-finished products) and packing material for single use in the production process.


Self-employed person

A person who works for his/her own account and risk. For this two perspectives are used: 1) Self-employed person (socioeconomic perspective) A person who works for his/her own account and risk - in...


White spirit

Specific light oil for use in amongst others the paint industry.


Dutch trade focuses on a limited number of countries and goods

Dutch trade focuses on a limited number of countries and goods. The five most important trading partners of the Netherlands account for more than half of the total value of Dutch trade.


New members appointed to the Advisory Council

Ms C.M. (Charlotte) Insinger and Mr F.J.H. (Henk) Don have been appointed members of the Advisory Council of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) by Minister Wiebes of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). Ms...


Population growth Caribbean Netherlands as a result of immigration

On 1 January 2013, the Caribbean Netherlands was home to more than 23 thousand people. Since 1 January 2010, the population has grown by 2.4 thousand. Immigrants almost entirely account for the...


One in five businesses fall victim to cybercrime

Over 20 percent of businesses had to deal with the consequences of cyber attacks in 2016.


Holland and Brabant most important for trade with UK

Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland and Noord-Brabant account for nearly two-thirds of goods trade with the United Kingdom.


More purchases being made online

Dutch consumers increasingly use the Internet to make everyday purchases


Establishing the accuracy of online panels for survey research

Establishing the accuracy of online panels for survey research


Dutch exports to Greece slowly recover after substantial dip

Dutch goods exports to Greece are slowly picking up after a substantial dip in the early years of the recession. Greek exports have grown more rapidly over the past seven years than Dutch exports.


Internationalisation Monitor 2017, fourth quarter

The Internationalisation Monitor describes trends in internationalisation and their consequences for the Dutch economy
