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2382 results for master's programme
2382 results for master's programme

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Investments expected to grow further

Manufacturers expect a 3 percent growth of investments this year, relative to 2005. For the second year running, investments are expected to grow in 2006.


Jobless people's purchasing power reduced by 15 percent

The purchasing power of the Dutch population improved by 0.8 percent last year. The average disposable household income was 33.5 thousand euro.


Retail sector performs well

Retail turnover was 5 percent higher in November 2010 than in November 2009, the most substantial growth in two years.


Exports marginally lower

In September 2013, the volume of exports of goods was 0.5 percent down from September 2012. In the preceding three months, exports growth was about 2 percent. The volume of imports grew by 1.2...


Retail turnover more than 3 percent up

Retail turnover was more than 3 percent higher in April 2011 than in April 2010. Higher prices contributed most to the increase.


Interest rate slightly up

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 1.7 percent in January 2013. In December 2012, the interest rate reached its lowest level in...


Interest rate slightly down

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.8 percent in July, i.e. 0.2 percentage points down on June. In the preceding three months...


Interest rate exceptionally low

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 1.6 percent in December 2012. This is the lowest level in decades.


Interest rate remains stable

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 1.8 percent in September 2012, the same rate as in July and August.


Substantial growth manufacturing output

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 5.2 percent up in February 2014 from February 2013. The growth was more substantial than in December (2.4 percent) and January...


Interest rate further down

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.6 percent in August. In July the rate was 3.8 percent. The drop in August was the second...


Interest rate further down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 3.2 percent in July 2011, i.e. 0.1 of a percentage point down on June.


Exports up 7 percent

The volume of exports of goods was more than 7 percent higher in January 2011 than twelve months previously. The volume of goods imports was 6 percent higher. Although the increase in international...


Manufacturing output up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.1 percent up in October 2013 from October 2012. In September, manufacturing output was 0.5 percent up on twelve months...


1 percent turnover growth in retail trade

According to the most recent figures, retail sales in June 2012 were up by 1 percent on June 2011. Prices were 1.9 percent higher, while the sales volume contracted by 0.9 percent.


Sustained exports growth

The volume of exports of goods was more than 7 percent higher in February 2011 than twelve months previously. This is almost the same growth rate as in January. The volume of goods imports was 10...


Retail turnover 1 percent higher in July

Dutch retailers generated 1 percent more turnover in July than one year previously. The shopping-day pattern in July 2010 was, however, more favourable than in July 2009. After a rough correction for...


Retailers face turnover loss of nearly 8 percent

In August 2009, retail turnover was 7.7 percent down on one year previously. Volume shrank by 7.1 percent, while prices dropped 0.7 percent. The price drop was entirely caused by lower fuel prices.
