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2443 results for gas consumption
2443 results for gas consumption

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Revenues from excise duties over 11 billion euro

The consumption of motor fuels, alcohol and tobacco put 11.1 billion euro in excise duties in Dutch government coffers in 2010.


Average inflation 2016 lowest in nearly 30 years

Average inflation 2016 lowest in nearly 30 years


average inflation rate over 2015 lowest since 1987

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the inflation rate over 2015 averaged 0.6 percent, the lowest increase in consumer prices since 1987. Falling oil prices in particular kept inflation low.


CO2 emissions grow much faster than Dutch economy

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands grow faster than the country’s economy. In the third quarter of 2015, CO2 emissions were 6.8 percent up from one year previously.


One in three young people have used cannabis at least once

In 2007/2008, one third of young people had used cannabis at least once in their lives.


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1995-2017

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


Dutch economy continues recovery

The Dutch economy grew by 2.4 percent in the fourth quarter compared to the same period in 2009, versus 1.8 percent in the third quarter compared to last year’s third quarter.


Children’s intake of fruit, veg and fish is too low

Many children aged 1 to 11 years do not eat the recommended amounts of fruit, vegetables and fish.


Dutch economy shrinks by 0.9 percent in third quarter

The Dutch economy shrank by 0.9 percent in the third quarter of 2012 compared with the previous quarter. The first estimate, published on 15 November, put the decrease at 1.1 percent.


Lowest inflation rate since 1989

The inflation rate stood at 0.9 percent in October 2006, the lowest result since March 1989.


Government deficit 4.1 percent in 2012

In 2012 the Dutch government deficit shrank to 4.1 percent of GDP while government debt rose to 71.2 percent of GDP. The Dutch government deficit and debt have now exceeded the European norms for the...


Value of imports increases by 20 percent

The value of international trade in goods rose sharply in the first month of 2006. Imports went up by 20 percent, exports by 15 percent, compared to January 2005. This was partly the effect of higher...


Phosphate output from livestock manure down again

Phosphate production in livestock manure declined further in 2018


Holland and Brabant most important for trade with UK

Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland and Noord-Brabant account for nearly two-thirds of goods trade with the United Kingdom.


Electricity use 16 times as high as in 1950

Electricity consumption in the Netherlands rose from just over 7 billion kWh in 1950 to 119 billion kWh in 2013, an average increase of 4.5 percent per year. Until 2008, electricity consumption only...


A greening economy, but not in all areas

The Dutch economy is growing increasingly green. Companies are implementing cleaner production processes and are using relatively fewer raw materials.


Higher oil and food prices affecting Dutch exports

The high rate of the euro and rising food and oil prices are having a noticeable effect on Dutch exports. In the first quarter of 2008, the increase in exports to countries outside Europe was smaller...


Dutch wind turbines catch less wind

The generation of electricity by Dutch wind turbines was reduced by approximately 13 percent last year. The reduction is mainly caused by the fact that 2010 was a less windy year.
