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Mortality in week 2 lower than expected

In the second week of January (week 2: 10 to 16 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,250. This is over 100 less than expected.


Nearly 7 percent more rail freight transport in 2021

In 2021, 42.6 million tonnes of goods were transported over Dutch railways. This is 6.5 percent up on the previous year.


Inflation rate 2.7 percent in 2021

In 2021, consumer prices in the Netherlands rose by 2.7 percent on average relative to the previous year.


Lowest number of bankruptcies in 21 years

The number of bankruptcies in August was the lowest in 21 years.


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

Jobs Employee characteristics, job characteristics, migration background


Retail turnover over 8 percent up in April

The Dutch retail sector recorded 8.1 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


The need for timely official statistics

This paper discusses how Statistics Netherlands managed to respond quickly with a range of new outputs following the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. First, it describes the innovation process and...


Mortality further down in week 1

In the first week of January (week 1: 3 to 9 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,450.


Netherlands Business survey, region, month

Realisations, expectations and opinions Dutch Business Survey Production, turnover, orders, prices, workforce, stocks, ec. climate


Producer confidence deteriorates in May

As of May 2022, the mood among Dutch manufacturers is less positive.


Manufacturing output prices 29 percent up in April

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were up by an average of 29 percent year on year.


Mental health has worsened among young people

In 2021, 18 percent of Dutch young people aged 12 to 24 were mentally unhealthy. This was still 11 percent in 2019 and 2020.


Business survey Netherlands; quarterly, to size classes

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Sector/Branches, size classes


Household consumption over 9 percent up in April

Consumers spent 9.4 percent more in April 2021 than in April 2020.


Lower nitrogen and phosphate output from animal manure

In 2021, total nitrogen output from animal manure amounted to 474 million kg, nearly 16 million kg less than in 2020 and over 6 percent below the nitrogen oxides emission ceiling. Phosphorus output...


A clearer picture of wealth in the Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is improving its wealth statistics.


Caribbean Netherlands: half of companies use emergency package

As of March 2020, a package of emergency measures has been in place in the Caribbean Netherlands to tackle the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis.


Girls perceive more performance pressure than boys

Almost half of teenage girls in the Netherlands regularly or frequently feel pressure to perform because of internal expectations. The proportion is lower among boys: 3 in 10.


Consumers gloomier than ever in July

Dutch consumers have never been gloomier than in July 2022.


Investments 2 percent down in October

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets fell by 2.0 percent year-on-year in October 2021. Investments in infrastructure and passenger cars were lower in particular. .


More than 2 million enterprises for the first time

In 2021, the total enterprise population in the Netherlands grew by 163 thousand or 8.5 percent, thereby exceeding 2 million for the first time as of 1 January 2022.


Slightly more weekly deaths among 65 to 79-year-olds in July than expected

In July, there were slightly more deaths per week than expected, mainly among people aged 65 to 79 years.


Over 10 million air passengers in Q1 2022

In Q1 2022, the five major airports of the Netherlands handled altogether 10.1 million passengers. This is almost five times as many as in Q1 2021.


Greenhouse gas emissions almost back at pre-COVID level

In Q2 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year increase of 11 percent. This means emissions are nearing pre-COVID levels.


House prices over 8 percent higher in December

In December 2020, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 8.3 percent higher than in the same month last year.
