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2651 results for traffic and transport
2651 results for traffic and transport

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Growing share of foreign companies in total turnover

Turnover and employment at foreign-controlled companies in the Netherlands are growing relatively fast.


Economic growth, GDP and value added by region; national accounts 1996-2017

GDP volume changes; Value added volume changes by economic activity Value added volume changes by SIC 2008; Region


Purchased raw and auxiliary materials

The value of purchased raw and auxiliary materials (including purchased semi-finished products) and packing material for single use in the production process.


Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu Museums; visits, costs & revenu


Share of renewable energy at 5.9% in 2016

Consumption of wind and solar energy rose, consumption of energy from biomass sources decreased slightly


Investment climate; innovation international comparison 1990-2008

Innovative enterprises, patent applications, turnover of new or improved products and employment in high-tech sectors broken down by region


CO2 emissions reduced again

In the second quarter of 2016, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 0.3 percent lower.


Less refrigerated meat shipped to the Netherlands

Fewer cooled and frozen goods imported in containers in Dutch seaports last year.


Energy consumption industry (no energy sector);energy commodities,1975-2012

Consumption of energy Industry of hard coal, lignite, crude, natural gas Petroleum products, renewable energy, waste, electricity, heat


GDP growth rate 0.8 percent in Q4 2017

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.8 percent growth in Q4 2017.



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 26-30 October 2009 (Week 44).


Contribution of re-exports doubled over past 20 years

Re-exports of goods have become increasingly important for the Dutch economy over the past decades.


Costs of commodities

Costs of commodities sold in the year under review.


Slight job increase

In the first quarter of 2009 there were 23 thousand more jobs of employees than in the same quarter of 2008. This brought the number of jobs to 7.9 million.


Entrepreneurs optimistic about 2019

For 2019, entrepreneurs in the non-financial private sector expect higher turnover, staff increases and higher investments than in 2018. Aside from positive expectations for next year, more and more...


Gross fixed capital formation in tangible assets; changes; 2005-2018

Fixed capital formation in tangible assets Year on year volume changes


Economic picture slightly less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in June is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.


Lower CO2 emissions in Q2 2018

In Q2 2018, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were 3.8 percent down year-on-year. The decline was mainly the result of reduced natural gas consumption for heating.


Sharp rise in Dutch Caribbean inflation in second quarter

Inflation on the islands making up the Dutch Caribbean was substantially higher in the second quarter of 2011 than in the first quarter. The rate was highest on St Eustatius, at 10.5 percent, up from...


Regional economic growth 2002-2006

Volume, deflator SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Correcting survey measurement with road sensor data

Time-based diary surveys collect data over specified time intervals and impose a heavy response burden.


Sustained substantial decline private sector investments

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was more than 11 percent down in January 2013 from January 2012. The decline is more substantial than in December, when private...


New orders manufacturing; SIC 2008, index 2010=100, 2005-2013

Indexfigures and changes of received orders, total, domestic and foreign, in the manufacturing industry sectors and branches (SIC2008)


International trade; imports and exports, SITC 3, country, 1996-2017

Import and export value of goods; according to SITC classification (3 digit) and country (groups).
