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2520 results for European identity
2520 results for European identity

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Sustained growth for air transport in 2007

Transport of passengers and goods through Dutch airports continued to grow in 2007.


Within Europe, antibiotics use lowest in the Netherlands

Among European countries, the Netherlands prescribed the lowest volume of antibiotics (2013) while Greece prescribed the highest. Within the Netherlands, there are regional differences in the volume...


Globalisation: pieces of the puzzle

Globalisation has many different aspects. A few pieces of the puzzle were put together by this symposium


Dutch convinced saving is worthwhile

In the last thirty years, more and more Dutch consumers have been thinking more positively about putting money into savings accounts. Together with Denmark and Luxembourg, the Netherlands is now one...


Inflation in December down to lowest level in more than 5 years

The inflation fell from 1.0 percent in November to 0.7 percent in December, the lowest level since October 2009.


Economic growth, GDP and value added by region; national accounts 1996-2017

GDP volume changes; Value added volume changes by economic activity Value added volume changes by SIC 2008; Region


Risk of poverty or social exclusion fairly small in the Netherlands

According to European standards, the number of Dutch residents running the risk of poverty or social exclusion is relatively small.


More innovation, better education and more environmental awareness required to maintain current prosperity level

The quality of life is high in the Netherlands compared to other European countries, but it seems impossible to retain this level of prosperity in the long run.


Breast cancer mortality higher

More women died from breast cancer in 2008 than in 2007. Breast cancer is indeed the most common cause of death among 35 to 55-year-old women.


Interest rate historically low in 2013

With 2.4 percent, the interest rate on the public debt reached a historically low level in 2013. Although public debt is growing, the interest paid over the public debt is diminishing.


Incomes rising slightly, household debts continue to fall

In the first quarter of 2014 the net real disposable income > of households was 0.2 percent higher than in the first quarter of 2013. It is the first rise in two years. Household debt fell by 2.4...


Bat populations thriving

Bat populations are thriving in the Netherlands. The 8 species that are being monitored all increase in numbers.


Inflation falls to 1.5 percent in April

Dutch inflation fell to 1.5 percent in April 2005. This is 0.3 of a percent point lower than in March, when prices were 1.8 percent higher than twelve months previously. The decrease was mainly...


Quinoa trade has tripled in four years

Dutch quinoa imports has tripled in the past four years, to approximately 5.5 million kg in 2016.


0.8 percent turnover growth for retail trade sector in January

Statistics Netherlands announced today that retail turnover was 0.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. The volume of sales grew further in January; retail prices fell slightly faster than...


Economic growth in the eurozone

The economies of the eurozone expanded by 0.3 percent in the second quarter of 2015 compared to the first quarter, according to the most recent first calculations by Eurostat.
