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2651 results for traffic and transport
2651 results for traffic and transport

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Fewer individual, more business bankruptcies in 2008

The number of bankruptcies declined by over 14 percent in 2008 relative to the previous year. The number of personal and one-person business bankruptcies declined considerably, but the amount of...


Share renewable energy stable

The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption was 4.4% in 2012, almost the same as in 2011 (4.3%).


Labour price index; index figures 2006=100, 2001-2013

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Rising economy, falling greenhouse gas emissions

Dutch greenhouse gas emissions fell by 13 percent


Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu Museums; visits, costs & revenu


Contribution commercial services to the economy remained stable

The contribution of commercial services to the Dutch economy remained stable over the past decade. In the 1980s and 1990s, services became increasingly important.


One quarter of private sector investments in foreign hands

Foreign companies accounted for nearly one quarter of private sector investments in the Dutch economy in 2010. French companies account for the largest foreign share.


Fewer bankruptcies in February

There were 32 fewer bankruptcies in February 2019 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in trade sector


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q3 2017

Gross domestic product (GDP) posted a growth rate of 0.4 percent in Q3 2017 relative to Q2


Regional economic growth 1996-2001

Volume, deflator; SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Production process, economic activity, region; national accounts 1995-2015

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Region; Periods


Inflation up on Bonaire, unchanged on St Eustatius and down on Saba

Inflation on Bonaire rose to 2.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012. In the third quarter consumer prices were 2.3 percent higher than in the third quarter of 2011. On St Eustatius inflation...


Manufacturing output marginally up in October from last year

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.4 percent higher in October 2014 than in October 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, output growth was curbed by a...


More goods carried by inland waterways in 2014 but hardly or no turnover growth

The carriage of goods by inland waterways has risen by 3 percent last year. Total turnover increased, but has as yet not reached the pre-recession level.


Producer confidence hardly changes

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 8.2 in October, down from from 8.5 in September.


Holland and Brabant most important for trade with UK

Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland and Noord-Brabant account for nearly two-thirds of goods trade with the United Kingdom.


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


Energy consumption households; energy commodities, 1975-2016

Energy consumption of hard coal, lignite, petroleum products, natural gas Gas/diesel oil, electricity, heat


Economy improves further

Economy improves further


Fewer Dutch people experience disrespectful behaviour

Fewer and fewer people in the Netherlands encounter disrespectful behaviour. Discourteous attitudes among shop staff and public employees in particular have decreased


Growing share of foreign companies in total turnover

Turnover and employment at foreign-controlled companies in the Netherlands are growing relatively fast.
