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2382 results for master's programme
2382 results for master's programme

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Dutch interest rate down

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan averaged 1.6 percent in June 2014. In May the interest rate was 1.7 percent.


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.4 percent in March 2011, the same rate as in February.


Household consumption grows 2.1 percent

In August, household consumption on goods and services rose by 2.1 percent relative to the same month last year.


Interest rate further down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 3.3 percent in June 2011, i.e. 0.1 of a percentage point down on May. The interest rate...


Retail turnover 5.1 percent down

Retail turnover in the second quarter of this year was 5.1 percent down on the second quarter of 2008.


Prices manufactured products almost 13 percent up

The growth rateof prices of manufactured products has accelerated in the past months. February’s selling prices were almost 13 percent up on twelve months previously.


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.6 percent in September 2009, the same rate as in August.


International road haulage rates down

In the third quarter of 2009, international road haulage rates were more than 4 percent down on last year’s third quarter. International courier services were 3.5 percent cheaper.


Interest rate further down

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 3.3 percent in June 2011, i.e. 0.1 of a percentage point down on May. The interest rate...


Interest rate historically low

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 2.2 percent in January 2012, i.e. 0.2 percentage points down on December 2011. In January, the...


Household consumption in decline for almost a year

Household spending on goods and services was 2.0 percent down in April 2012 on April 2011. The decline was approximately the same in March (1.8 percent). Consumer spending has been continuously below...


Slightly more job vacancies

At the end of June 2011, there were 137 thousand job vacancies, i.e. 2 thousand more than at the end of March. The private sector accounted entirely for the increase. The number of job vacancies grew...


Interest rate historically low

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 2.5 percent in September 2010, i.e. 0.1 percentage points down on Augusts interest rate.


Household consumption in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 2.3 percent down in January 2013 from January 2013. Domestic household consumption has been continuously down from twelve months previously for eighteen...


Modest growth private sector investments

In December 2011, the volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was nearly 3 percent up on December 2010. The increase was somewhat more substantial than in November, when private...


Manufacturing turnover slightly higher

Dutch manufacturers realised a turnover growth of nearly 1 percent in March 2012 compared to March 2011. This growth was slightly lower than in February, when manufacturing turnover was just over 1...


Interest rate remains extremely low

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year public loan, averaged 2.2 percent in February 2012, i.e. the same rate as in January, when the interest rate reached...


Interest rate unchanged

The Dutch long-term interest rate, based on the return of the most recent ten-year government loan, averaged 3.2 percent in January 2011. The rate is virtually unchanged from December 2010, following...


Retail turnover marginally down

According to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands, May’s retail turnover was 0.6 percent down from May 2012. Retail volume shrank by 3.0 percent, while retail prices were 2.5 percent...
