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4273 results for business demography
4273 results for business demography

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CBS and Dataprovider successfully map internet economy

Elsewhere around the world, a number of other countries are planning to also implement the basic model developed by CBS and Dataprovider.


Fewer bankruptcies in February

There were 32 fewer bankruptcies in February 2019 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in trade sector


Retail turnover 3 percent up in August

Dutch retail sector achieved 3.0 percent year-on-year turnover growth in August 2019.


Dutch manufacturers more positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has improved.


Unemployment rate down to 3.0 percent

Between November 2019 and January 2020, the number of people in paid employment grew by 21 thousand per month on average, ending at 9.1 million in January.


Manufacturing output almost 2 percent down in May

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.8 percent down in May 2019 compared to the same month one year previously.


Consumer prices 2.6 percent up in September

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.6 percent higher in September than in the same month last year.


Manufacturing output prices down in August

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products decreased by 0.8 percent year-on-year in August 2019. Prices were down for the first time in three years.


Consumer confidence hardly changes

The Dutch consumer confidence indicator stands at -1 in October, up from -1 in September.


Exports up by 1 percent in July

The total volume of goods exports grew by 1.0 percent in July year-on-year.


GDP growth rate 0.5 percent in Q1 2019

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.5 percent in Q1 2019 relative to the previous quarter.


Fewer bankruptcies

There were 47 fewer bankruptcies in January 2019 than in the previous month. Most bankruptcies were recorded in trade sector.


Dutch manufacturers less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated in May 2019.


UK third largest destination in service exports

The United Kingdom is the largest market for Dutch services, after Germany and Ireland. In 2018, the Netherlands exported 23.8 billion euros of services to the UK, over 4 percent more than in the...


GDP growth rate 0.5 percent in Q2 2019

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.5 percent in Q2 2019 relative to the previous quarter.


Dutch manufacturers again less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated again.


Innovative research into social cohesion in Heerlen

Innovative research into social cohesion in Heerlen


Turnover accommodation and food services slightly down

Turnover accommodation and food services slightly down Turnover in the sector accommodation and food services (previously known as the sector hotels and restaurants) fell by 0.3 percent in Q1 2019...


Household spending almost 2 percent up in July

Dutch consumers spent 1.7 percent more in July 2019 than in July 2018.


Twice as many Chinese companies in the Netherlands

Over a span of five years, the number of Chinese companies located in the Netherlands nearly doubled, from 245 at the end of 2012 to 470 at the end of 2017.


Retail turnover over 3 percent up in July

The Dutch retail sector achieved over 3 percent turnover growth in July 2019.


Investments nearly the same year-on-year

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was nearly the same as in June 2018.


Nearly 180 thousand jobs filled by Polish workers

In 2017, over 838 thousand jobs in the Netherlands were filled by foreign workers. Polish workers constitute the largest group, occupying nearly 180 thousand jobs.


Over 9 million in work for the first time

Over the previous three months, the number of people in paid work rose by 17 thousand per month on average, exceeding 9 million persons for the first time in December 2019. Unemployment declined over...


Manufacturing output prices hardly changed

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 0.1 percent up in July 2019 year-on-year.
