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2389 results for health insurance
2389 results for health insurance

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Consumers spending more, their confidence increases

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was up by 1.9 percent in March 2015 on the same month last year. Consumers spent more on...


Transport and storage top sector export of services

In 2014 the total value of services exported by the top sector Transport and storage exceeded 22 bn euros.


Considerable increase over-30s in mbo

In the school year 2009/’10, more than 30 thousand men and  31 thousand women over the age of 30 participated in secondary vocational education (mbo), an increase by nearly two thirds...


Leisure activities 1997-2011

Participation; sports, hobbies, culture, recreation, going out, use of the media and holidays by personal characteristics


Collectively negotiated wage 1.2 percent up in third quarter

In the third quarter of 2013, collectively negotiated wages were raised by 1.2 percent relative to the third quarter last year. The increase is smaller than in the previous quarters and also well...


Research and development (R&D); key figures, 2002-2010

R&D expenditures: own staff, Full-time equivalents: own R&D staff Periods


Jobs of employees; international ultimate control trade in goods, 2010-2016

Number and volume of employee jobs International trade in goods, ownership of company (UCI)


Wellbeing; safety, 2003-2010

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Feelings of unsafety


Dutch youngsters often work evenings and weekends

Nearly six out of ten Dutch employees worked irregular hours in 2008. Relatively more men than women, and more young than older employees had irregular working hours.


Meat prices: sharpest rise since 2001

In 2017 consumer prices for meat rose by 3.8 percent. Poultry meat, pork, beef and veal, sheep and goat meat, processed meat


Women’s emancipation: a slow process

Women work fewer hours, earn lower incomes. More women in top civil sector and commercial sector positions.


Household consumption almost 2 percent up in October

Dutch household consumption was 1.7 percent up in October 2017.


Fewer jobs lost

In the fourth quarter of last year, 147 thousand jobs of employees were lost compared to the fourth quarter of 2008, a reduction by 1.8 percent.


Consumer spending up by 2.7 percent in January

Consumer spending up by 2.7 percent in January.


Household consumption over 3 percent up

Dutch household consumption was 3.1 percent up in September 2017.


Dutch consumer spending up

Dutch consumer spending up


Unemployment rate up

Over the past three months, more people in the Netherlands who were not actively looking on the labour market have begun seeking employment, but often without success. The number of people in the...


Share of older nursing professionals rising sharply

There has been a sharp rise in the nursing professionals over 50 working in health care.


Dutch consumer spending 0.3 percent up

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 0.3 percent up in November 2015 from November 2014, the lowest increase in 2015...


Dutch consumers spend more on clothes and furniture

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services in September 2015 was 2.2 percent up from September 2014. They spent more on...


Dutch consumers spending more again

According to the figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services in August 2015 was up by 1.4 percent on August 2014. Consumers mainly spent more on...
