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2520 results for European identity
2520 results for European identity

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Fuel prices push up inflation in the Netherlands in December

Dutch inflation stood at 1.9 percent in December, an increase by 0.3 percentage points compared to November. The increase was mainly caused by price developments for automotive fuels.


100 thousand adults with morbid obesity

One percent of the Dutch population aged 20 years or older are morbidly obese.


Government Finance Statistics and the Enhanced Economic Governance package (Sixpack)

CBS publishes monthly cash balances and annual figures on contingent liabilities for the Directive EU-2011/85



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Half of Dutch good exports to Germany manufactured in the Netherlands

Germany is by far the most important destination for Dutch exports. More than half of Dutch goods exported to Germany are manufactured in the Netherlands.


Number of households at risk of poverty in the Netherlands relatively low

The number of households facing financial constraints is relatively low in the Netherlands compared to most other European countries. The number of households, who only just manage financially, is...


Dutch government spending lower than EU average

The Dutch government spent 270.3 billion euro in 2008. This is the equivalent of 45.5 percent of the Dutch gross domestic product (GDP).


Rapid increase life expectancy

Last year, female life expectancy at birth was 82.3 years, as against 78.0 years for men. Life expectancy has risen dramatically since 2002.


Dutch-made yachts sell well

Turnover in the yacht building industry has increased considerably in the period 1997-2007.


Dutch inland waterway system plays important part in goods transport

Total length of the inland waterway system of the Netherlands exceeds 6 thousand kilometres. Within the European Union (EU), the Netherlands takes up third place after Finland and Germany.


Dutch wind turbines catch less wind

The generation of electricity by Dutch wind turbines was reduced by approximately 13 percent last year. The reduction is mainly caused by the fact that 2010 was a less windy year.


Most raw materials imported from Europe

The Netherlands obtains 68 percent of its raw materials from elsewhere. Two thirds of the raw materials come from European countries.


Inflation down to 1.4 percent in June

Inflation in the Netherlands was 1.4 percent in June 2004, 0.1 of a percent point lower than in May. Lower petrol prices pushed down inflation in June.


Government surplus in first quarter of 2013

In the first quarter of 2013, the Dutch government has realised a surplus, predominantly due to the one-off revenue from the auction of telecom frequencies. The nationalisation of SNS REAAL does not...


over 80 percent of Caribbean Netherlands population are religious

In 2013, 88 percent of inhabitants on Bonaire aged 15 years and older reported having a religious denomination. On Saba and St Eustatius 83 percent of inhabitants said they were religious. The number...


Foreign trade growing

The value of goods imported to and exported from the Netherlands was higher in April 2004 than in April 2003. Imports were 5 percent higher at 17.7 billion euro, exports amounted to 19.9 billion...


Dutch imports of German wine grow by 13 percent

The Netherlands imported more than 71 million litres of German wine last year, an increase by 13 percent relative to 2007. Since the turn of the century, German wine imports have tripled.
