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3356 results for nature value

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Dutch consumer spending further up

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.8 percent up in October 2015 from October 2014. Natural gas consumption...


Second quarter economic growth adjusted to 3.0 percent

Figures from Statistics Netherlands put Dutch economic growth at 3.0 percent in the second quarter of 2008 compared with the same period last year.


Caribbean Netherlands; vacation and sport, personal characteristics

vacation, sport sex, age , educational level


Built-up area

The built-up area continues to increase, on average by 0.8 percentper year.


Inflation rate substantially higher

The inflation rate in July rose to 1.6 percent. The rate has not been this high since May 2009. The most recent figures show that natural gas prices had a considerable upward effect on inflation.


nearly all Dutch provinces affected by recession

The latest figures released today by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that nearly all Dutch provinces were affected by the economic recession in 2013.


Terms of trade tumble again

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods deteriorated substantially in January 2010. Prices of imported goods were 4.1 percent up on one year previously, while prices of exported goods...


Terms of trade down on twelve months ago

Compared with one year previously, the Dutch terms of trade were down again in March 2010.


Population growth fuelled by immigration

On the basis of provisional population data over 2015, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the Dutch population increased by 79 thousand to 16.9 million residents. Last year’s population growth...


Regulating services

These are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes, including air quality regulation, climate regulation, water regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste...


Ecological status of surface waters

Both in 2009 and in 2015, only 0.4 percent of Dutch surface waters complied with the standards for good ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive.


Household consumption further in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 1.3 percent down in February 2012 on twelve months previously.


Slight deterioration terms of trade

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods marginally deteriorated in May 2010 relative to May 2009.


Motor fuels for transport;delivery weight, volume, 1946-Aug 2016

Deliveries for final consumption and bunkers of motor fuels for road transport, water transport and air transport


Caribbean Netherlands; Spoken languages and main language, characteristics

spoken languages, main language sex, age, educational level


400 thousand inhabitants in the IJsselmeerpolders

On 1 Jan 2018, the IJsselmeerpolders had 404,000 inhabitants.


Tech education gaining popularity among girls

Tech subjects are chosen by an increasing proportion of girls in secondary and higher education.


Raw material footprint

Between 2010 and 2016, the per capita raw material footprint (or per capita raw material consumption, RMC) fell from 11.2 tonnes to 8.1 tonnes.


Less beer exported in 2017

Beer production rose and beer exports declined in 2017.


Dutch consumer spending marginally up from one year previously

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 0.6 percent up in December 2015 from December 2014. The CBS Consumption Radar...


exports continue to rise substantially

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the volume of exports of goods was 6.6 percent larger in February 2015 than twelve months previously. The growth was somewhat lower than in January


First quarter economic growth 3.1 percent

First estimate puts economic growth at 3.1 percent in the first quarter of 2008 on the same quarter last year.


Terms of trade deteriorate further

Dutch terms of trade of imported and exported goods deteriorated in April 2010 relative to April 2009. Prices of imported goods were 9.0 percent higher, while prices of exported goods rose by 7.0...
