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2389 results for health insurance
2389 results for health insurance

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Netherlands closer to achieving sustainability goals

Second measurement of the Netherlands' progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals


Sickness absence down to 4.7 percent

Absence among Dutch employees caused by sickness was on average 4.7 percent in 2003. In 2002 it was still over 5.3 percent. On average employees reported in sick 1.3 times a year. Women, older people...


Household consumption nearly 3 percent up in February

Dutch household consumption was 2.6 percent up in February 2018.


Jobs of employees; international ultimate control trade in goods, 2010-2016

Number and volume of employee jobs International trade in goods, ownership of company (UCI)


Considerable increase over-30s in mbo

In the school year 2009/’10, more than 30 thousand men and  31 thousand women over the age of 30 participated in secondary vocational education (mbo), an increase by nearly two thirds...


Integral income and wealth statistics

Brief survey description Integral income and wealth statistics


Leisure activities 1997-2011

Participation; sports, hobbies, culture, recreation, going out, use of the media and holidays by personal characteristics


Dutch consumer spending up again

Dutch consumer spending up again


Dutch consumer spending up

Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.4 percent up in May 2016 from May 2015.


Unemployment down

According to the latest figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment totalled 392 thousand in June 2011, a reduction by 9 thousand from May.


Unemployment climbs to 6 percent

Unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation increased by 18 thousand in January 2012 to 474 thousand, i.e. 6.0 percent of the labour force.


Unemployment continues to grow

The most recent figures show that unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation has risen by 19 thousand in December to reach 571 thousand.


Sustained unemployment growth

Unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation has grown by 24 thousand to 489 thousand in April 2012.


Online saving very popular

Internet saving was booming in 2004. The total amount in Internet savings accounts exceeded 58 billion euro, 37 percent more than in 2003.


Unemployment rises further in May

Unemployment in the Netherlands rose by 9 thousand in May, to 659 thousand persons.


Dutch government guarantor for 46 billion euros worth of loans

By the end of 2013 the Dutch government provided for 46 billion euros worth of debt guarantees for loans. Nearly 39 billion euros of these debt guarantees > were made available by the central...


CAO wages 3.3 percent up in 2008

Collectively agreed (CAO) wages rose by 3.3 percent in 2008 relative to one year previously. The increase is much more substantial than in 2007, when wages rose by 2.1 percent.


Doctoral degree makes a difference on the labour market

Doctoral degree holders more often work on a full-time basis and are usually employed on a higher professional level than people without a doctorate.


Dutch increase in senior secondary vocational education passes larger than in European Union

More than 146 thousand students passed their final exams in senior secondary vocational education (mbo) in the Netherlands in 2008/’09. This increase, 35 percent compared with ten years...
