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12345 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12345 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Mortality in week 2 lower than expected

In the second week of January (week 2: 10 to 16 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,250. This is over 100 less than expected.


Plant protection products; sales by weight by productgroup

Sales by active substance; index of sales by active substance Product group of plant protection products


Excess mortality in October

Over the whole month of October, there were nearly 1,800 (16 percent) more deaths than expected, with excess mortality in all four weeks.


Unemployment further down in December

In December, 352 thousand people were unemployed. From September through November, unemployment declined by an average of 10 thousand per month. The employed labour force (15 to 74 years) grew by an...


11 percent of energy consumption from renewable sources in 2020

In 2020, renewable energy accounted for 11.1 percent of total Dutch energy consumption.


Population pyramid

Population pyramid x 1,000 Age composition in the Nederlands 2023 (estimate)


Most young people rate their health as good

In the period 2019 to 2020, the vast majority of young people between the ages of 4 and 25 perceived their own health as good or very good.


Investments 2.5 percent down in July

In July, the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 2.5 percent down year-on-year.


Households today

Households in the Netherlands: number and growth


Import value of transport services 32 percent up in first half of 2022

In the first six months of 2022, Dutch companies and consumers imported 22.7 billion euros in foreign transport services, i.e. nearly 32 percent more than in the first half of 2021.


Birth; key figures

Key figures on birth by sex, birth order or marital status of the mother. Including figures on stillborn children and multiple births


Household consumption 4.5 percent up in December

Consumers spent 4.5 percent more in December 2021 than one year previously, but 7.7 percent less than in December 2019.


New dwellings; output price indices building costs, 2015=100

Output price indices and changes compared to one year earlier V.A.T. included and V.A.T. excluded.


Welfare of households; key figures

Disposable and equivalised income, expenditures, wealth Type of household, households with low income


Historically few bankruptcies in 2022 as well

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased for the third consecutive month.


Urban waste water treatment per province and river basin district

Urban waste water treatment plants: number and capacity, influents, effluents and sewage sludge; results by province and river basin district


Consumer prices; price index 1900 = 100

Consumer price index Year of reference 1900 = 100


Mortality further down in week 1

In the first week of January (week 1: 3 to 9 January 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,450.


Fewer bankruptcies in January

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has decreased. There were 21 fewer bankruptcies in January than in the previous month.


Cargo throughput at Dutch seaports recovered in 2021

In 2021, the total volume of incoming and outgoing cargo shipments to and from Dutch seaports increased by 6.4 percent to 593 million tonnes.


Number of sold motor vehicles new and used, 2007-2023

Sales, new, used, motor vehicles, fuel type, new sales, 2nd hand, road vehicles


Service imports back at pre-pandemic level

In the first three months of 2022, the Netherlands imported 53.4 billion euros worth of services. This is over 20 percent more than in the previous year.


Economic outlook less positive

The economic climate in September 2022 was less positive than in August, according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer.


Fewer homicides in 2020, but more young people killed

In 2020, there were 121 victims of murder or manslaughter in the Netherlands, 4 fewer than in 2019.


Mortality; key figures

Mortality: key figures by sex. Including figures on infant mortality, perinatal mortality and life expectancy at birth
