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4252 results for use of medicines
4252 results for use of medicines

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New methods to correct data

Scholtus designed a number of new algorithms to automatically correct systematic errors


Leisure activities 1997-2011

Participation; sports, hobbies, culture, recreation, going out, use of the media and holidays by personal characteristics


Health care consumption varies by education level

Generally, lower educated persons more often receive health care services than higher educated people. Factors like age, gender, state of health and income partially account for the differences...


Croatia small trading partner

The trade of goods with Croatia is limited. On 1 July 2013, Croatia will be the 28th country to join the European Union.


Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


United Kingdom third trading partner in services

In 2017, the United Kingdom was our third trading partner in international services.


Naturalisation gives migrants more opportunities

how naturalisation affects someone’s chances of getting a job, their income level, and home ownership.


More lorry journeys with cleaner engines

Lorry journeys by engine emission standard (European emission standard for lorries)


First Rural Data Centre launched

For the local community, this means more policy customisation and an improved public service


Unemployment slightly down

In October 2020, there were 406 thousand unemployed, equivalent to 4.3 percent of the labour force.


Reduction CO2 emissions in first quarter

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were reduced by 1.3 percent in Q1 2016.


CBS, The Hague University of Applied Sciences work on big data

In September 2016, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) established the Center for Big Data Statistics (CBDS).


Netherlands in top five users of cloud-based services

The use of cloud-based services is relatively high in the Netherlands.


The international road to new forms of data collection

CBS hosted two UNECE workshops in October, on data collection and statistics communication.


Statistics Netherlands launches new website

The new website's main focus is now on news releases,


Much smaller rise in care spending

Health care and welfare cost nearly 60 billion euro in 2004. This is 4.3 percent more than 2003. Spending on care still rose by as much 10 percent annually in the period 2001-2003. The decrease in...


Lifestyle, preventive screening; sex,age; 2010-2013

Smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, height, weight, contraceptive pill use, preventive screening, age and sex.


More flexible access to CBS microdata for researchers

Under strict conditions, authorised researchers are allowed access to detailed data


A greening economy, but not in all areas

The Dutch economy is growing increasingly green. Companies are implementing cleaner production processes and are using relatively fewer raw materials.


Mobile device login and break-off in individual surveys

the use of mobile devices, i.e. smartphones and tablets, in individual surveys in 2017.


CBS invents method to map European e-waste

CBS has calculated annually produced e-waste quantities for all European countries


Transition plan redesign of the Dutch Labour Force Survey

Estimating discontinuities with a parallel run and a time series modelling approach


CRT glass in urban mine forecast

Computer and television CRT screen glass in waste


Profiling of twitter users a big data selectivity study

Extending the Materials Monitor with Water


Statistics producers in Estonia doing a great job

In May 2016 an international conference was held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
