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1627 results for mortgage costs
1627 results for mortgage costs

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Hospitality students go abroad most often

Nearly one-quarter of higher education graduates went abroad for their education, mainly those in hospitality.


Young CBS talent wins innovation award

Close to 40 ideas were submitted for the innovation award; the jury, including several directors, selected four.


Statistics of Finances of Enterprises

Read more about the survey.


The State; government sector, ESA accounts 1996-2010

ESA transactions government sector; revenue and expenditure on current and capital account, net lending/net borrowing on financial account


Perceived inflation back in line with observed inflation

One of the cornerstones in the description of the economy is the measurement of price increases, or inflation. Alongside actually observed inflation, economists are also confronted by perceived...


Balassa index

The publication of data about the specialisation of Dutch exports in commodities in relation to the exports of the EU (without the Netherlands).


CO2 emissions trading system

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a cost effective manner, the European Union launched an emissions trading scheme in 2005.


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6....


Inflation Caribbean Netherlands down in fourth quarter 2014

Statistics Netherlands announced today that inflation has fallen on the three islands collectively referred to as Caribbean Netherlands. The rate on Bonaire fell from 1.5 to 0.9 percent in the fourth...


more and more businesses in the Netherlands

The number of registered businesses in the Netherlands increased by just over 65 thousand in 2014. In the first quarter of 2015 it rose by nearly 12 thousand. This means there are now a record number...


Obesity leads to more sickness absence

A publication just released by Statistics Netherlands on health and care in 2007 comprises seven articles on a range of recent developments in the area of health and care.


Care spending up by 5.1 percent

In 2007, total spending on care, i.e. health care plus welfare services, amounted to 74 billion euro, a 5.1 percent increase relative to 2006.


Environmental taxes

In 2016, the Dutch government collected 23.6 billion euros in environmental taxes and levies.


Outward Fats; statistics on Dutch control over foreign companies

Outward Fats is a statistic that is made on the basis of observations at companies. These companies have the Netherlands as the Ultimate Controlling Institutional unit (UCI) and have foreign...


Naturalisation gives migrants more opportunities

how naturalisation affects someone’s chances of getting a job, their income level, and home ownership.


Regional accounts; Fixed capital formation by Industry 2008-2011

Fixed capital formation by Industry (SIC 2008) by region


Caribbean Netherlands; consumer price index (CPI) 2010=100, 2010-2017

Consumer price index, Quarter-on-Quarter change, Year-on-year change Spending category per Caribbean island


SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean water and sanitation. Access to safe drinking water and sanitary facilities and sustainable water management are at the centre of SDG 6....


Statistics Netherlands invests in Spark to process big data

Over the next few months, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will invest in a new computer system: Spark.


Sharp growth Dutch economy in first quarter 2011

According to the flash estimate, the Dutch economy grew by 3.2 percent in the first quarter of this year relative to the same quarter in 2010. This growth figure is the highest recorded in the last...


Inflation rate in 2004 lowest since 1989

According to the latest consumer price index (CPI), the average inflation rate in the Netherlands in 2004 was 1.2 percent, a record low since 1989. The low rate is mainly caused by falling prices for...


Regulating services

These are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes, including air quality regulation, climate regulation, water regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste...
