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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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Economic growth third quarter adjusted upward to 4.2 percent

The Dutch economy grew 4.2 percent in the third quarter of 2007 relative to one year previously.


Nitrogen in surface water

The total quantity of nitrogen compounds in surface water declined by 45 percent between 1990 and 2021, from 158 million kilograms of nitrogen (N) to 87 million kilograms.


1.2 million cybercrime victims

In 2018, 8.5 percent of Dutch internet users aged 12 and over indicated they had fallen victim to computer-oriented crime in the previous twelve months.


SEEA ecosystem condition account for the Netherlands

The condition account provides information on ecosystem quality and pressures following the UN SEEA EEA guidelines (system of environmental-economic accounting – experimental ecosystem accounting).


Lower gas consumption has negative effect on Dutch economy

According to the first estimate conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the Dutch economy recorded a negative growth rate of 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2014 relative to the...


Dutch and EU population growth mainly due to migration

The Netherlands is one of the 19 member states of the European Union (EU) with a growing population. This is mainly due to migration, which is also the case in most other countries with population...


Energy consumption marginally down in 2013

Last year, energy consumption in the Netherlands was 0.8 percent lower than in 2012. The consumption of natural gas increased due to the cold weather conditions in spring, but the consumption of...


Electricity imports down in 2007

In 2007, net imports of electricity plummeted by 18 percent. The upward trend observed in recent years was reversed.


More energy used in 2012

Energy consumption in the Netherlands was 1.3 percent up in 2012 from 2011. The higher consumption is due to the cold weather conditions compared to 2011. The petrochemical industry also used more...


Energy consumption lower in 2009

In 2009, energy consumption in the Netherlands was more than 2 percent down on the preceding year. The reduction was realised in the first three quarters.


Electricity generation from fossil fuels invariably high

In the period 1998–2008, total electricity generation in the Netherlands increased by 14 percent.


Use of air-source heat pumps has increased

In 2017, 80 thousand heat pumps were installed which extract heat from the outside air.


Increased cultivation of protein crops

The agricultural area utilised for the cultivation of protein crops in the Netherlands stood at 9 thousand hectares in 2018,, an increase of 38 percent relative to 2008 (5.6 hectares).


CBS launches data ecosystem with various partners

The ecosystem encompasses a broad and diverse group of companies, academic institutions and government bodies


Ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are the benefits generated by ecosystems in the Netherlands that contribute to the economy and to other human activity.


Large-scale users pay least for energy

Dutch households had to pay 6 percent more for electricity in the first quarter of 2012, while for large-scale business users prices fell in the same period. The price of natural gas has risen by...


Trade deficit with the US narrower in 2018

In 2018, Dutch companies exported goods to the United States to a total of 23.7 billion euros, i.e. 20 percent up on the previous year.


Netherlands net exporter electricity since October 2009

Since October last year, the Netherlands is a net exporter of electricity, because in the last quarter of 2009 more electricity was exported than imported to and from the surrounding countries.


More deaths than births in Q1

The Netherlands saw net population growth in Q1 2018 at 12.5 thousand. Natural growth (births minus deaths) was negative, net migration positive.


Environmental transfers and subsidies

Environmentally motivated subsidies provided by the government increased from 764 million euros in 2005 to nearly 1.2 billion euros in 2010.


Electricity production dramatically down

Last year, 102 billion kWh of electricity were generated in the Netherlands, nearly 10 percent down from one year previously, but the level of imports and exports of electricity was higher than ever...


Caribbean Netherlands; power cuts 2010-2018

Number of power cuts, length of power cuts Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire, Saba
