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3448 results for data visualisations
3448 results for data visualisations

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GDP growth rate slows down

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.2 percent in Q3 2018 relative to the previous quarter.


United Nations monitors international energy market

Important objective of Oslo Group is to investigate the uniform use of new data sources for compiling energy statistics


Dutch construction sector employment and benefits

Employment in the construction sector and unemployment benefit claims which were paid out of the reduced-pay fund


Nearly 9 thousand more deaths in first 9 weeks of COVID-19

In the first nine weeks of the corona crisis (week 11 to 19 inclusive), there were almost 9 thousand more deaths (estimated) than would normally be expected during this period.


Research on social networks in the city

research work on social networks in the city, family networks, influence of urban environments on life cycles


Mortality in times of corona

Mortality has dropped below the expected level as of week 20.


Exports down by over 11 percent in April

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 11.2 percent in April year-on-year.


Naturalisation gives migrants more opportunities

how naturalisation affects someone’s chances of getting a job, their income level, and home ownership.


Mortality lower than normal in week 20

In the first nine weeks of the corona crisis (week 11 to 19 inclusive), there were almost 9 thousand more deaths (estimated) than would normally be expected during this period.


Top sectors account for one-quarter of GDP

An outline of developments in the nine Dutch top sectors.


New fire services statistic based on 112 alarm centre

The statistic is no longer based on survey data from questionnaires but on records from the 112 emergency alarm centre


Statistical software R the key focus at CBS conference

R is an open-source software specifically developed for the purpose of statistics production and data analysis


Spending up in European webshops

Online purchases by Dutch consumers in foreign EU webshops, big data research


Savings 1991-2017

Deposits redeemable at notice - and with agreed maturity; Balance, mutations number of and interest payments.


Type 2 diabetes often linked to cardiovascular disease

People aged 45 and over with type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer from other long-term disorders.


Exceptionally high GDP growth in Q2 2017

Gross domestic product (GDP) posted a growth rate of 1.5 percent in Q2 2017 relative to Q1


Growth in goods transport via Venlo

Flows of goods to and from North Limburg.


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q1 2017

GDP in Q1 2017 rose by 0.4% relative to the previous quarter.


Transition plan redesign of the Dutch Labour Force Survey

Estimating discontinuities with a parallel run and a time series modelling approach


More flexible access to CBS microdata for researchers

Under strict conditions, authorised researchers are allowed access to detailed data


Investments plummeting in May

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 18.8 percent down in May 2020 relative to the same month last year.


Contribution final expenditure to volume growth of GDP; NA, 1995-2016

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


ICT workers at home most often during coronavirus crisis

In Q2 2020, (partial) telecommuting was most prevalent among employees with ICT occupations.


Statistics Netherlands launches new website

The new website's main focus is now on news releases,


Transitivizing elementary price indices

Transitivizing elementary price indices for internet data using the cycle method
