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6779 results for CBS corporate news

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Online purchases: more digital products and fewer physical goods

In 2022 ,74 percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and up said they had purchased something online. This is less than last year, when 77 percent had made online purchases


More tourism on St Eustatius and Saba in first half of 2022

In the first six months of 2022, the number of visitor arrivals by air on St Eustatius and Saba was one and a half times as high as in the same period last year.


Health and health care; personal characteristics

Health, limitations, pain, health care Disorders, informal care


Labour participation among young men restored

More young men have started working over the past two years. For a long time, net labour participation among young men lagged behind the female rate.


Business confidence; sector/branches

Business Confidence to sector/branches


How the mathematics of complex systems contributes to statistics

On Wednesday 20 October 2021, Professor Frank Pijpers gave his inaugural lecture on Empirical explorations of a complex society at the University of Amsterdam.


CBS seasons greetings insta

Let's hope the next beats the last...


Business Cycle Tracer indicator

The Business Cycle Tracer indicator is the unweighted average of the indicators


More graduates and less alcohol consumption among young people in 2020

With a pandemic ongoing, the year 2020 reshaped the lives of young people in the Netherlands.


International trade; Imports and exports of services 2014-2020

Imports; exports; services broken down into various types of services Countries


Nearly 230 thousand fewer hospital admissions in 2020

In 2020, the total number of hospital admissions stood at 2.7 million. This is 12 percent lower than in 2019.


Investments 5 percent up in February

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 5.0 percent larger year on year.


Exports up by 5 percent in August

In August 2021, the total volume of goods exports was up by 5.0 percent year-on-year.


Economic outlook slightly deteriorated

Economic outlook slightly deteriorated The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more unfavourable in April.


Consumers again less pessimistic

Consumers are less gloomy in December than they were in November. However, consumer confidence is still exceptionally low.


Manufacturing output almost 10 percent up in October

In October 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 9.9 percent from October 2020.


Business survey Netherlands; to sector/branches

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Sector/branches, confidence margins


Household consumption almost 14 percent up in February

Consumers spent 13.8 percent more in February 2022 compared to February one year previously.


Slightly more bankruptcies in November

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has slightly increased. The number of pronounced bankruptcies remains at a low level.


Manufacturing output almost 6 percent up in August

In August 2022, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 5.9 percent on August 2021.


Turnover accommodation and food services up in Q1

In Q1 2021, turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rose by 9.7 percent relative to the previous quarter.


Almost 3.5 bn euros in goods exported to the Baltic states

In 2021, the Netherlands exported nearly 3.5 billion euros in goods to the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This means the volume of exports to the Baltic region is roughly half that of...


How resilient is the Netherlands?

On 19 May 2021 CBS published the Monitor of Well-being & Sustainable Development Goals 2021, which provides a broad description of the trends in well-being in our country.


Retail turnover over 5 percent up in November

In November, the Dutch retail sector recorded 5.2 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Business survey Netherlands; to company size

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Company size, confidence margins
