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337 results for keyword:entrepreneurs
337 results for keyword:entrepreneurs

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The new, fast vacancy indicator

On 11 April 2011 Statistics Netherlands introduced the monthly vacancy indicator. This indicator is representative for the trend in the number of vacancies.


Retail turnover slightly up

Dutch retailers generated an almost 1 percent higher turnover in January this year than twelve months previously.


Increase in manufacturing stocks

In January, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were over 5 percent up on January 2010.


Producer confidence soaring

Producer confidence soared in March 2011. The indicator stood at 5.8 versus 1.7 in February. As a result, producer confidence reached the highest level in three years.


Providers of business services optimistic about turnover

The number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 41 percent in March, versus 31 percent in February. Temp...


Dutch private sector posts higher profits

For the first time since the outbreak of the economic crisis late 2008, the number of businesses (excluding financial companies) making higher profits was larger than the number of businesses...


More hours worked in temp jobs

The amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased for the third time in a row. In the fourth quarter, it grew by more than 2 percent compared to the third quarter of 2010, but the growth rate is...


Providers of business services more positive

In February, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 31 percent, i.e. 13 points above the level in...


Dutch consumers more optimistic

Recently, the mood among Dutch consumers has noticeably improved. In February, the consumer confidence index rose 3 points to reach -5. Confidence improved for the second month running after having...


Reduction in manufacturing stocks continues

In November, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were almost 2 percent down on November 2009.


Manufacturers a little more optimistic

The mood among manufacturers improved a little in January. The producer confidence indicator stood at 2.7 versus 2.5 in December 2010.


Providers of business services slightly more positive

In January, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 18 percent, i.e. 4 points above the level in...


Economic situation more favourable

The economic situation has improved further at the end of December relative to the end of November.


Selling prices in manufacturing industry up by 10 percent

Factory gate prices in the Dutch manufacturing industry were almost 10 percent higher in November than in November 2009.


Reduction manufacturing stocks slowing down

In October, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were more than 2 percent down on October 2009.


Business services monitor: third quarter 2010

After five quarters of decrease, turnover in business services was slightly higher in the third quarter of 2010 than twelve months previously. Business services companies were positive about the...


Selling prices in manufacturing industry up by 9 percent

Factory gate prices in the Dutch manufacturing industry were 9 percent higher in October than in the same month last year. The price rise was the same as in September.


Producer confidence manufacturing industry hardly changed

Producer confidence hardly changed in November. The indicator stood at 0.3 versus 0.5 in October.


Reduction manufacturing stocks

In September, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were more than 5 percent down on September 2009. The reduction was virtually the same as in August. Stocks of finished products have been...


Business services providers slightly less optimistic

In November, the number of business services providers anticipating turnover growth in the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a decrease by 29 percent. Optimism was tempered in...


Manufacturers expect to invest more in 2011

According to Statistics Netherlands’ autumn survey of investment expectations, Dutch manufacturers foresee a 24 percent rise in investment next year compared with 2010.
