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430 results for Rotterdam
430 results for Rotterdam

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Passenger traffic at Dutch airports levelling off

In Q2 2019, a total of 21.8 million passengers flew to and from the Netherlands. This is 2.7 percent more than in Q2 2018. The total weight of transported cargo was 9.4 percent lower than one year...


Goods increasingly transported via logistics hubs

Goods are increasingly transferred to logistics hubs before onward transportation, often to or from the Port of Rotterdam.


Greenhouse gas emissions down

Greenhouse gas emissions stood at 189.3 bn CO2 equivalents in 2018, 2 percent lower than in 2017 and 15 percent down on 1990.


Homelessness more than doubled since 2009

The number of homeless 18 to 64-year-olds in the Netherlands increased from 17.8 thousand in 2009 (first estimation) to 39.3 thousand in 2018. Homelessness among 18 to 29-year-olds tripled over this...


CBS building data ecosystem with partners

CBS wants to develop a data ecosystem in order to cater to the data needs of government stakeholders even more effectively


Nearly 80 million air passengers in 2018

In 2018, Dutch airports handled 79.6 million arrivals and departures. The total stood at 76.2 milion in the previous year. In 2008, a total of 50 million passengers used Dutch airports.


Indian knowledge migration has doubled

In the period 2012-2017, immigration from India to the Netherlands more than doubled to over 8,600 annually. These are mainly knowledge migrants, with three-quarters employed in IT and information...


Traffic growth in ports driven by container sector

Container transhipment increased substantially at Dutch seaports in 2017.


Sustained decline coal transhipment at Dutch seaports

Coal supply to Dutch seaports dropped by nearly 7 percent to 50 million tonnes in 2017.


Less cargo throughput in Dutch seaports

Overview of throughput in Dutch seaports in 2016.


Population growth rate major cities above average

The population in Dutch cities has grown notably in recent years. The population growth rate is particularly high in the three major cities in the Netherlands.


Amsterdam has highest proportion of long-term low incomes

Households who have been living on low incomes for four years or more are mainly found in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Four in ten municipalities with the greatest risk of long-term poverty...


Container transport up, surge in transhipment

Transhipment, onward transportation of unloaded containers to other seaports outside Holland, increased by nearly 30%


Feelings of insecurity most widespread among residents of the four major cities

Residents of the four major cities in the Netherlands are least likely to feel safe in their own neighbourhood. City centres in particular make people feel uneasy.


More murder and manslaughter victims in 2017

In 2017 there were 158 victims of murder and manslaughter in the Netherlands, including 112 men and 46 women. There were 108 victims in 2016.


Male labour participation rate lower in major cities than in the rest of the country

In the four major Dutch cities, the labour participation rate of the male population was below the nationwide average.
