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2519 results for European identity
2519 results for European identity

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Inflation rises to 3.1 percent in March

The inflation rate stood at 2.8 percent in February.


Economic growth; economic activity, region, National Accounts

GDP volume changes; Value added volume changes by economic activity Value added volume changes by SIC 2008; Region


Economic growth of 1.0 percent in Q2 2024

Economic growth of 1 percent in Q2 2024 According to the first estimate from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on the data currently available, gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.0 percent...


Well-being ‘later’: summary

What is well-being ‘later’? Well-being ‘later’ looks at trends in resources needed by future generations to accomplish the same level of well-being as the current generation, and the consequences of...


Population; households and population dynamics; from 1899

Population, households, population growth, births, mortality, marriages, marriage dissolutions, change of nationality and migration


More than half of Ukrainian refugees in paid employment

On 1 November 2023, 55 percent of the approximately 78 thousand 15 to 64-year-old refugees with Ukrainian nationality living in the Netherlands were employed.


Well-being here and now: summary

Well-being ‘here and now’ refers to people’s personal characteristics and the quality of the environment they live in. It relates to subjective well-being, material well-being, health, labour and...


Other local Government; quarterly revenue and expenditure

Quarterly cash based revenue and expenditure of the Other local Government units according to EU directive 2011/85 (Sixpack).


International cooperation high on the agenda at CBS

In June of this year, Director General Ms Angelique Berg of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) was appointed vice-chair of the Bureau of the OECD Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy, also known...


Government; Taxes and social contributions

Revenue collected from taxes and social contributions Types of taxes and social contributions


More people actively protecting their personal data online in 2023

In 2023, 89 percent of persons aged 12 years and over said they take steps to protect their personal data online.


Government debt; debt instruments, counterpart sector, valuation, sectors

Total government debt and debt in foreign currency. Debt instruments, counterpart sector, face- and market value, sectors.


Dutch digital skills at the top in Europe

The Netherlands ranks among the top of EU countries with the largest share of inhabitants who are proficient in using the internet, computers and software (digital skills).


Dutch GDP per capita 1.5 times the EU average

In 2021, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at over 49 thousand euros, putting the Netherlands in fifth position within the European Union.


Exports down by 1 percent in June

In June 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 1.0 percent year on year.


Temporary employment agencies; turnover index, 2015=100

Temporary employment agencies. Turnover and hours worked: index, change 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Business and ICT services; turnover index, 2015=100

Business and ICT services; turnover, 2015=100, change Naar bedrijfsactiviteit (SBI 2008)


Inflation down to 2.8 percent in February

The inflation rate stood at 2.8 percent in February.


Less nitrogen and phosphate excretion from livestock manure

In 2021, the total amount of nitrogen excreted by Dutch livestock stood at 471 million kg.


Government deficit at 0.3 percent of GDP in 2023

The Dutch government spent 3.5 billion euros more than it received in 2023. This is equivalent to 0.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and was slightly higher than the 2022 deficit, which was...


Fewer and fewer families in which only the father works

In 2023, in 13 percent of families with children under 18 only the father was in paid work, while their partners (mostly women) were not in paid work.


Exports radar

The Exports Radar is an instrument to analyse developments in exports of goods.


Population of the Netherlands reaches 18 million

The population of the Netherlands will pass 18 million today, according to estimates


Public revenue 3 bn euros higher than expenditure after three quarters

The Dutch central government achieved a surplus of 3 billion euros over the first three quarters of this year.
