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512 results for Belgium

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8 thousand care workers commuting across the border

Almost 80 thousand workers in the Netherlands were cross-border commuters from Germany or Belgium in 2017, including 8 thousand working in the healthcare sector.


International transport by inland vessels declining

In 2020, inland vessels carried 349 million tonnes of goods. This is 2.3 percent less than in the previous year.


The Netherlands in numbers, 2021 edition

The Netherlands in numbers (2021 edition) answers 36 questions about our country by means of images and text.


Dutch environmental sector continues to grow steadily

The Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 18.8 billion euros in 2019, contributing approximately 2.3 percent to gross domestic product (GDP).


Population, households and population dynamics; from 1899

Population, households, population growth, births, mortality, marriages, marriage dissolutions, change of nationality and migration


Less international road haulage in 2020

In 2020, Dutch road hauliers transported 686 million tonnes of freight, 0.4 percent less than in 2019.


CBS mapping goods flows

CBS mapping goods flows


Agricultural exports staying rooted

Despite the coronavirus crisis, Dutch agricultural exports grew by an estimated 1 percent in 2020 relative to the previous year.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Electricity production hits record level in 2020

In 2020, net electricity production was 1.3 billion kWh higher than in 2019, reaching the highest level ever measured.


30 percent fewer tourist overnight stays in 2020

In 2020, the number of overnight stays in tourist accommodations in the Netherlands fell by 30 percent to 86.2 million relative to the previous year.


Electricity production 14 percent up in Q3

In Q3 2020, net electricity production was 3.8 billion kWh higher than in Q3 2019.


Economy hit harder in most other EU countries

The Dutch economy was dealt a severe blow in the first half of 2020, with the contraction that occurred over the second quarter the severest ever recorded.


Service exports down by 11 percent in Q3

In Q3 2020, Dutch service exports amounted to 55.6 billion euros. This is 11 percent less than in the same quarter last year.


The need for timely official statistics

This paper discusses how Statistics Netherlands managed to respond quickly with a range of new outputs following the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. First, it describes the innovation process and...


EU’s share in Dutch exports has fallen slightly

Nearly 71 percent of Dutch goods exports in 2018 went to other countries within the EU, although the EU's share has declined slightly relative to 2010.


5% of workers in Zuid-Limburg commute across the border

Of all regions in the Netherlands, Zuid-Limburg has the highest percentage of employees living in Germany or Belgium. In 2016, this was more than 5 percent.


Sharp decline in infant mortality since 2000

Last year, 617 out of the 170 thousand live-born babies died in their first year. As a result, the infant mortality rate stood at 3.6 per thousand live births, versus 5.1 in 2000.


Local government depends heavily on central government funding

In the Netherlands, the local government is dependent on the central government for almost three quarters of its income. In 2019, 27 percent of the local government's income consisted of its own...


Soybean imports from Brazil up by 40 percent

In the first six months of 2020, the Netherlands imported 1.6 billion kg of soybeans from Brazil.


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


72 percent fewer guests in tourist accommodations

In Q2 2020, Dutch tourist accommodations received 72 percent fewer guests than in the same quarter last year. The decline ranged from 53 percent in Fryslân province to 82 percent in the province of...


More Dutch and European young adults living at home

In 2017, there were relatively more people in their late twenties living with their parents in the Netherlands than in 2010. This also holds true for most other EU countries.


One-quarter of population notice drug-related issues in own neighbourhood

In 2019, nearly one-quarter (24.3 percent) of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over reported the incidence of drug use or trafficking in their own neighbourhood.
