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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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One-quarter more exporters to the US

In 2018, more than 8.9 thousand companies in the Netherlands exported goods to the United States, i.e. over one-quarter more than in 2015.


Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending, 2003-2018

Supply, consumption and blending of biofuels broken down into biogasoline and biodiesel.


Caribbean Dutch population larger and older by 2030

According to the latest forecast by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the population of the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands is expected to grow further from 25 thousand currently to 30...


TNO and CBS are joining forces on transparent and verifiable AI use

TNO and CBS are joining forces on transparent and verifiable AI use



Hoe heeft de uitstoot van broeikasgassen zich ontwikkeld in 2018 t.o.v. de klimaatdoelstellingen? CBS-hoofdeconoom Peter Hein van Mulligen heeft de nieuwste cijfers.


Decline in farmland flora and fauna as of 1900

Flora and fauna on Dutch farmland have gone through substantial changes over the 20th century.


Half of transport GHG emissions are from aviation

In 2018, the volume of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by the Dutch transport sector amounted to 26 billion CO2 equivalents.


Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda

Statistical data confidentiality high on the agenda


Population up by over 24 thousand in Q1

In Q1 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew more rapidly than in the same quarter last year. More than 24 thousand residents were added, nearly twice the number in Q1 2018.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of road traffic by vehicle category, fuel type and road type


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Working with businesses to collect CPI data

Working with businesses to collect CPI data


Unemployment rate down to 3.0 percent

Between November 2019 and January 2020, the number of people in paid employment grew by 21 thousand per month on average, ending at 9.1 million in January.


Over 80% decline in butterflies since late 1800s

Between 1890 and 2017, butterfly populations in the Netherlands declined by at least 84 percent; 15 species have disappeared completely.


Greenhouse gas emissions down

Greenhouse gas emissions stood at 189.3 bn CO2 equivalents in 2018, 2 percent lower than in 2017 and 15 percent down on 1990.


Half of online shoppers have complaints

Of the Dutch population who have shopped online over the course of 2019, half have reported complaints. In 2015, 40 percent said they experienced problems related to online purchases.


€25.5 billion revenue from exports to the UK

In 2018, the Netherlands earned 25.5 billion euros in exports of goods and services destined for the United Kingdom, up 4 percent on 2017.


TNO-CBS Partnership for Trusted AI

TNO en het CBS, vertegenwoordigd door respectievelijk Paul de Krom, CEO bij TNO en Directeur-Generaal Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, slaan de handen ineen om via een Partnership for Trusted AI een transparant,...


Trade deficit on St Eustatius down in 2018

In 2018, the trade deficits of Bonaire and Saba rose while the deficit of St Eustatius declined.


Consumer prices 1.7 percent up in 2018

Consumer prices rose by 1.7 percent on average in 2018 relative to the previous year.


Dutch environmental footprint increases slightly

The average greenhouse gas footprint of Dutch consumers rose from 15.1 tonnes CO2 equivalents per capita in 2017 to 15.8 tonnes in 2018. Between 2008 and 2016 the footprint declined. Consumption of...


International trade in gas in the Netherlands

This report on international gas trade in the Netherlands describes the current methodology and a proposal for improvement for the country specification of the origin of the gas available in the...


Slight drop in greenhouse gas emissions

In 2018, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were 2 percent lower than one year previously. This is related to less coal being used for electricity production. The emission intensity of the...


Contribution to volume growth of GDP; National Accounts, 2016-2018

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


Wind energy; electricity production, capacity and supply of wind, 2002-2019

Production of electricity, capacity and supply of wind On land/ off shore
