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2390 results for health insurance
2390 results for health insurance

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Medical professionals ageing

The share of over-55s among medical professionals is higher than among other professionals employed in the care sector. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ageing in the care sector is above the...



The environment

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of the environment? Clean air, clean water, clean soil, a healthy natural environment and thriving...


Psychological complaints in girls and older women

In 2014, more than 1 in 10 Dutch people aged 12 or up suffered from psychological complaints. Women had more mental health problems than men. In particular girls between 16 and 20 and older women...


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2017 Summary

Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary


Economic totals per region, 2001-2004

GDP, GDP per capita, consistency with GDP, total value added, taxes, compensation of employees, subsidies, gross operating surplus by region


Economic totals per region, 1995-2001

GDP, GDP per capita, consistency with GDP, total value added, compensation of employees, taxes, subsidies, gross operating surplus by region


Sensor Data Challenge

A short impression of the Sensor Data Challenge. The second Sensor Data Challenge event took place on 24-25 January 2019 at HighTechCentreDelft. Altogether almost 30 candidates from various...


Lifestyle, preventive screening; personal characteristics; 2010-2013

Smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, height, weight, contraceptive pill use and preventive screening.


Share corporate sector in national income up, share households down

After 2000, the share of the corporate sector in the national income has increased, but the share of households has decreased as research conducted by Statistics Netherlands shows. This is partly the...


Victims workplace aggression feel less healthy

Victims of workplace aggression more often report a poor state of health than their colleagues who do not face aggression at work. They are also more dissatisfied with their job and are more often...


Steady growth consumer spending

Dutch consumer spending was 1.0 percent up in August 2016 from August 2015. Spending on services rose considerably.


Year-on-year consumer spending 0.1 percent up

Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 0.1 percent up in February 2016.


Consumer spending up

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.5 percent up in April 2015 from the same month last year.


Consumer spending further up

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 2.2 percent up in June 2015 from the same month last year. Consumers spent more...


most substantial increase consumer spending in four years

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was 1.8 percent up in January 2015 from January 2014. This was the most substantial...


Modest consumption growth

Household spending on goods and services was 0.5 percent up in July 2014 from July 2013. In May and June household spending was approximately at the same level as one year previously.


Dutch government spending lower than EU average

The Dutch government spent 270.3 billion euro in 2008. This is the equivalent of 45.5 percent of the Dutch gross domestic product (GDP).


Unemployment marginally down

Adjusted for seasonal variation, 412 thousand persons were unemployed in September 2010.


Emission factors by vehicle category and year of construction, 2008

Carbon monoxide, VOC, nitrogen oxides, particulates. Vehicle category, year of construction, road type.


Consumer spending up by more than 2 percent in June

Dutch consumer spending was more than 2 percent up in June 2017 from June 2016.


Well-being here and now

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Well-being ‘here and now’ concerns people’s personal characteristics and the quality of the environment they live in. It relates to subjective well-being, material...
