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3448 results for data visualisations
3448 results for data visualisations

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GDP growth rate 0.5 percent in Q4 2018

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.5 percent in Q4 2018 relative to the previous quarter.


Cooperating with scientists and policymakers to measure the economy

Globalisation and digitisation make it increasingly difficult to measure the economy.


Contribution to volume growth of GDP; National Accounts, 2016-2018

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


GDP growth rate 0.5 percent in Q2 2019

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.5 percent in Q2 2019 relative to the previous quarter.


CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC

News article CBS and The Hague unite ambitions in a new UDC


An innovative way to estimate solar energy yields

An innovative way to estimate solar energy yields


‘Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures’: reliable figures to underpin policy

In 2018, the Netherlands earned nearly 34 percent of GDP through exports of goods and services.


Government-related information management

About Government-related information management and the Open Government Act


6.3 thousand deaths due to confirmed COVID-19 in March and April 2020

In March and April of this year, altogether 6,331 deaths in the Netherlands were confirmed to have been due to COVID-19


Monitoring major enterprises within Europe

The LCU team is currently taking part in a Eurostat project that allows sharing of the related knowledge and expertise among the statistical offices in the ESS member states.


The Hague expands on smart city ambition

At the UDC, data from the Municipality of The Hague can be combined with CBS’s data


Methodology social tensions and emotions in society

The indicators were developed using publicly available posts by Dutch users on sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Other sources were also used, such as public Dutch news websites, forums...


Smaller contraction of investment in July

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.5 percent down in July 2020 relative to the same month last year. This contraction is smaller than in the previous three months.


Monitor of Well-being: a broader picture

The Monitor of Well-being is a well-arranged tool that serves the wider political and public debate.


Exports down by nearly 3 percent in June

The total volume of goods exports shrank by 2.9 percent in June year-on-year. The contraction was much lower than in April and May.


Deaths; murder and manslaughter, crime scene in The Netherlands, 1996-2018

Persons died as a result of murder or manslaughter by location and method crime scene located in the Netherlands (residents or non-residents)


Local government depends heavily on central government funding

In the Netherlands, the local government is dependent on the central government for almost three quarters of its income. In 2019, 27 percent of the local government's income consisted of its own...


Consumers slightly more pessimistic in October

Dutch consumers slightly more pessimistic in October. The consumer confidence indicator stands at -30, down from -28 in September. Consumers are extremely gloomy about future unemployment in October...


Dutch Online Library; use, accounts and licenses

Use, accounts and licenses Dutch online public library e-books, audio books and courses


Economy partly bounces back with 7.7 percent growth in Q3 2020

After the unprecedented decline of 8.5 percent in Q2 2020, gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 7.7 percent in Q3 2020 relative to the previous quarter.


72 percent fewer guests in tourist accommodations

In Q2 2020, Dutch tourist accommodations received 72 percent fewer guests than in the same quarter last year. The decline ranged from 53 percent in Fryslân province to 82 percent in the province of...


A plea for consistent income inequality figures

There is a lot of social debate about income inequality. Has income inequality increased over the longer term or not?


Using smart sensors to measure Dutch people’s health

smart way in which sensors can be used to measure people’s health, lifestyle and living conditions


Privacy Proof Certificate for CBS

This certificate confirms that all company and personal data held by CBS are demonstrably well protected.
