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3810 results for young people
3810 results for young people

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Slightly more income support benefits

320 thousand income support benefits were being paid to people up to the age of 65 years at the end of September 2012. This is one thousand more than in the previous quarter, and 6 thousand more than...


Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary

Annual Report Youth Monitor 2016 Summary


Net migration (incl. administrative corrections)

The number of people arriving minus the number of people departing, including the balance of administrative corrections. (administrative entries minus administrative removals).


Balance of changes in nationality

People living in the Netherlands who have received the Dutch nationality other than by birth minus the people living in the Netherlands who have lost the Dutch nationality other than by death.



An umbrella concept for the filled and unfilled demand for work by employees and self-employed people. Several related concepts are jobs, unfilled vacancies, employed people, employed labour force...



Term for re-emigration and re-immigration. Re-emigration is when people coming from abroad and residing in the Netherlands take up residence abroad again. Re-immigration is when people who left the...


Mixed relationships vary according to background

Mixed relationships show strong variations according to migration background


More than half of adults prepared to donate their organs

Over half of the adult population in the Netherlands indicate they are prepared to donate their organs after death. Nearly two thirds would like to receive an organ, when in need of a transplant.


Trade union membership rates continue to decline

In 2008, one in five employees working in paid employment for at least twelve hours a week were members of a trade union. In recent years, trade union membership rates have fallen considerably.


Further increase hours worked in temp jobs

Adjusted for seasonal variation, the total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 0.8 percent in the second quarter of 2014 relative to the preceding quarter.


Annual report 2009 National Youth Monitor

The Annual report 2009 of the National Youth Monitor of the Netherlands presents a broad overview of how children and young people under the age of 25 years in the Netherlands are doing.


More ferries plying between the Netherlands and the UK

The number of people travelling by ferry from the Netherlands to the UK and vice versa has risen again in recent years.


Nearly one in five employees are flex workers

The number of flex workers is growing continually. Between 2001 and 2011, the share of flex workers grew from 13 to 18 percent. Most flex workers are young. The economic situation strongly affects...


Unemployment further down

An average 460 thousand people in the Netherlands were unemployed in the third quarter of 2004. After correction for seasonal effects total unemployment amounted to 460 thousand in this period.


Slight fall in unemployment

Tthe number of unemployed people in the Netherlands at 395 thousand in March 2011, after adjustment for seasonal effects


Number of income support benefits continues to rise

According to figures, the number of income support benefits paid to people under the age of 65 rose further in the first quarter of 2011.
