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12888 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12888 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Sharpest decline in inbound goods transport since the 2009 economic crisis

In 2020, altogether 601 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands.


HICP 11.6 percent higher in July

Inflation according to the HICP stood at 11.6 percent in July, as reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). It stood at 9.9 percent in June.


International trade; import and export values key figures

Import and export value of goods key figures; classification according to SITC (sections) and groups of countries.


Unemployment declined in January

In the period November through January, unemployment declined by an average of 9 thousand per month.


More people getting married in 2022

In the first seven months of 2022, more couples got married than in the same period of previous years.


Excess mortality in all weeks of July

In the last week of July (week 30, 25 to 31 July 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,200. This is slightly higher than in the previous week (3,144) and more than was expected...


Big Data Matters 3 - The need for timely statistics

Online seminar - Thursday, 1 April 2021 The Centre for Big Data Statistics (the Netherlands) and the ONS Data Science Campus (UK) 2020 was a remarkable year: the world was facing a new pandemic and...


Turnover accommodation and food services in Q2 2022 above pre-COVID level

Both turnover and volume were higher in the second quarter of 2022 than before, for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis.


Asylum and integration 2024 – Study on asylum seekers and status holders

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2023


Housing satisfaction; dwelling characteristics, regions

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Dwelling characteristics, Region


Manufacturing output prices almost 28 percent up in July

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were up by an average of 27.9 percent year on year.


Housing satisfaction; household and dwelling characteristics

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Household characteristics, Dwelling characteristics


Food prices up by over 11 percent

In June 2022, Dutch consumers paid on average over 11 percent more for food products than one year previously.


Publishing and interpreting data from the monetary SEEA Ecosystem accounts

This report presents data on monetary ecosystem values for the Nethelands (2013-2021) and provides guidance on their interpretation and statistical use.


Agricultural exports exceeded 100 billion euros in 2021

Exports of agricultural goods are estimated to have reached 104.7 billion euros in 2021, setting a new record.


Inflation rate 8.6 percent in June

The consumer price index (CPI) was 8.6 percent higher in June than in the same month last year.


Retail turnover 5.5 percent up in July

The Dutch retail sector recorded 5.5 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales, however, went down by 1.5 percent.


Average energy prices regarding variable contracts

Average electricity and gas prices for consumers.


Manufacturers considerably less optimistic in August

In August 2022, Dutch manufacturers were considerably less optimistic than in July. Producer confidence has decreased from 8.4 to 4.6.


COVID-19 hospitalizations: fostering decision-making in future pandemics

Effective and targeted decision-making during pandemics requires accurate forecasting of key health outcomes such as hospitalizations. This study investigates the relationship between the weekly...


19 million air passengers in the second quarter

In Q2 2023, the five major airports of the Netherlands processed nearly 19 million passenger arrivals and departures.


HICP 10.2 percent up in May

According to the HICP, the Dutch inflation rate stood at 10.2 percent in May 2022. This was 11.2 percent in April.


Caribbean Netherlands: more births in 2020

Last year, 830 new inhabitants were added to the population of the Caribbean Netherlands. This was mainly due to foreign migration.


Dutch well-being high, but under increasing pressure

it is becoming more difficult to maintain this level of well-being. Many elements of Dutch natural capital are showing systemic deterioration, with increasing pressure on plant and animal...


Exports nearly 9 percent up in November

In November 2021, the total volume of goods exports was nearly 9 percent up on November 2020.
