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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Over 11 thousand leap day birthdays

This year, more than 11 thousand people in the Netherlands will celebrate their birthday on Leap Day, 29 February.


Methodological audits at NSIs

Methodological audits at NSIs – survey of international practice


Visualising inequality at the SDG DataViz Camp

Data camp participants were challenged to design visualisations to make the progress on the SDGs more tangible


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. SDG 16.1 aims to promote a safe society in which everyone has access to a fair legal...


Civil engineering works; Input price index 2008-2019

Price indices on the basis of 2010 = 100 and changes compared to 1 year earlier regarding several areas of work.


Donorregistration; region (classification 2019)

Donorregister, fixed choice, with or without permission Part of country, province, NUTS-region, municipality


Consumer prices on Bonaire 1.0 percent up in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, consumer goods and services on Bonaire were 1.0 percent more expensive than one year previously.


SDG 16.1 Security and peace

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: security and peace. SDG 16.1 aims to promote a safe society in which everyone has access to a fair legal...


Causes of death statistics

Publication of data regarding the causes of death of all domestically deceased residents.


Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent up in February

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 0.9 percent up in February 2020 year-on-year.


Economy enters recession stage

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in mid-April is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.


Retail turnover over 3 percent up in 2019

The Dutch retail sector achieved 3.4 percent turnover growth in 2019.


Immigration down after coronavirus outbreak

Immigration more than halved in the weeks following the implementation of COVID-19 measures and the number of Syrian refugees fell to a low in those weeks.


Over 200 thousand fewer employed since March 2020

The number of people in paid employment declined further by 24 thousand in May.


Work and income following mass redundancy

Most employees who lose their job as a consequence of mass redundancy find work again quite quickly. However, there are large differences between groups of dismissed employees.


Economic contraction of 1.7 percent in Q1 2020

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), which is based on currently available data, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 1.7 percent in Q1 2020 relative to Q4...


Population up by 15.5 thousand in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in the same quarter last year. 15.5 thousand inhabitants were added, i.e. 8.7 thousand down on Q1 2019.


Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) 2012-2017

Caribbean Netherlands, GDP Bonaire, Saba, St Eustatius


What is the living situation of the elderly in the Netherlands?

As the elderly are more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, they currently tend to be (even) more isolated than others. In addition, home care is under pressure nowadays, which means the elderly need...


Dutch manufacturers less positive

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has deteriorated in January 2020.


EU webshop sales nearly 20 percent up in the Netherlands

In Q3 2019, Dutch consumers purchased 455 million euros worth of products from foreign EU webshops.


160 thousand fewer employed in April

In April, the number of people in paid employment fell by 160 thousand to 8.9 million. A decline of this magnitude within one month has not occurred since compilation of monthly figures started...


Commercial property price index available now

Commercial property price index available now


Big data innovation at CBS/UT DataCamp

The aim of the annual DataCamp event is to find solutions for complex issues by using big data
