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Population growth picks up again

The population of the Netherlands grew by 31.7 thousand in the first half of 2021.


Manufacturing output almost 13 percent up in December

In December 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 12.6 percent from December 2020.


Cattle herd size has barely changed

In 2022, the size of the Dutch cattle population has remained virtually unchanged relative to last year, standing at 3.8 million head.


International trade; import and export values key figures

Import and export value of goods key figures; classification according to SITC (sections) and groups of countries.


Aviation not yet at 2019 level in Q2

In the second quarter of 2022, the five major airports of the Netherlands handled altogether 17.4 million passengers.


Retail turnover over 4 percent up in October

Dutch retail sector recorded 4.2 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales, however, went down by 5.2 percent.


Extraction, import and export of materials; national accounts

material flow accounts, environmental accounts, biomass, minerals, metals resources, semi-finished products, finished products, fossil energy


Household consumption over 7 percent up in May

Consumers spent 7.3 percent more in May 2022 compared to May one year previously. They spent more on services, but less on goods.


Consumers again less negative

Consumers are again less pessimistic in February than they were in the previous month. However, consumer confidence is still exceptionally low.


HICP 9.9 percent higher in June

In June 2022, inflation according to the European Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) stood at 9.9 percent.


Economic outlook improving

As of May 2021, the economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become less unfavourable. The economy has moved into the recovery stage.


Continuing vocational training

Continuing vocational training incidence participation intensity costs Total


Gas consumption down by 17% year on year in the period July - October

Over the period July to October 2022 inclusive, total natural gas consumption in the Netherlands stood at 7.3 billion cubic metres. This is 17 percent less than in the same period last year.


Economic growth of 1.9 percent in Q3 2021

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 1.9 percent in Q3 2021 relative to the previous quarter.


Excess mortality in all weeks of June

In the last week of June (week 26: 27 June to 3 July 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 3,050. This is slightly less than in the previous week (3,090) and more than the expected...


Forecast: population growth picks up again

The population of the Netherlands will continue to grow over the next five decades, to 20.6 million inhabitants in 2070.


Vacancy indicator

Vacancy indicator Manufacturing, construction, commercial services, SBI2008


Unemployment in June dips below 300 thousand

In June 2021, 297 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.2 percent of the labour force.


Fewer bankruptcies in 2020

The total number of businesses and institutions (excluding sole proprietorships) filing for bankruptcy in 2020 stood at 2,703, the lowest level in 20 years.


Dutch GDP per capita 1.5 times the EU average

In 2021, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at over 49 thousand euros, putting the Netherlands in fifth position within the European Union.


More businesses experience shortages of staff and materials

At the beginning of Q2 2022, staff shortages formed the largest obstacle for entrepreneurs in carrying out their business activities.


Manufacturing output prices almost 21 percent up in October

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were up by an average of 20.9 percent year on year.


Tourism on Bonaire seems to be picking up; 9 thousand visitors in June

In 2020, tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands declined sharply due to the measures and flight restrictions as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.


Producer confidence picking up again

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers improved in November 2022.


Nearly 240 thousand bullying victims in 2021

In 2021, nearly 2 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over reported they had been bullied in the previous year.
