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3810 results for young people
3810 results for young people

Page 56 of 153

Long-term unemployment down

Unemployment has fallen dramatically in recent years. Initially, only among short-term unemployed, but in 2007 the reduction among long-term unemployed was more substantial than among short-term...


Dutch lead a slightly more healthy life

The percentage of overweight Dutch adults fell for the first time in years in 2005, among both men and women.


Two in three Bonaire residents work

In 2010, 10.7 thousand people aged 15 years or older lived on Bonaire; 7.1 thousand of them had a job, which puts the labour participation rate for the island at 66.6 percent.


Are older employees more stress resistant and younger employees more versed in technology?

Statistics Netherlands announced today that older employees are generally believed to be more stress resistant, while younger employees appear to be more versed in adopting new technologies. Opinions...


Fewer asylum seekers compared to 2014 and 2015

In total 2,085 people registered as asylum seekers or following family members in the Netherlands in July.



To compile data at the national level about current topics in society, with the focus on how the Dutch population perceives them.


Three-quarters of population in the Caribbean Netherlands report good health

Three in four people aged 15 and older in the Caribbean Netherlands rate their health as good or very good. Sixty percent of the population are overweight. Three-quarters of the population had...


Seven out of ten Caribbean Netherlands inhabitants regularly online

Three-quarters of households in the Caribbean Netherlands had internet access at home in 2013. Of the people who had used internet in the three months prior to the study, 86 percent went...


Pupils and students often work as shop assistant or the in catering industry

Shop assistant, shelf stacker and waitress are the most popular jobs among pupils and students. Boys most often work as shelf stackers in supermarkets, shop assistant is the most popular job among...


Number of income support benefits hardly up

301 thousand people aged under 65 years were claiming income support at the end of the third quarter of 2010.


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


18 thousand Dutch Caribbeans

Since 10 October 2010, the Caribbean islands of Bonaire, Saba and Saint Eustatius have officially acquired the status of Dutch municipalities. As a result, 18 thousand new citizens were added to the...


Half of over-85s feel healthy, also in care homes

Elderly who live independently feel progressively unhealthy while those living in care homes feel relatively healthier.


Unemployment up slightly

An average 470 thousand people were out of work in the Netherlands in the period September – November 2004. Unemployment is always lower at this time of year because of seasonal effects. Once these...


One in seven underage children live in a single-parent family

The population of the Netherlands includes 3.5 million underage children. One in seven of these children live with just one parent. This proportion varies strongly between municipalities.


Younger Turkish, Moroccan 2nd generation marrying later

The second generation of people with a Turkish and Moroccan background are increasingly resembling their native Dutch contemporaries, getting married and having children later. More and more often,...


Unemployment falls to 550 thousand

Unemployment falls to 550 thousand


More older employees on permanent contracts

Between 2001 and 2013, the share of employees in the employed labour force was reduced from 88 to 85 percent, but the share increased among over-55s


Girls perform better in education, boys more often self-supporting

Boys more often than girls get in contact with youth care and rehabilitation programmes and girls are doing better in education. A reverse situation occurs on the labour market. Young men are more...
