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1686 results for voluntary care
1686 results for voluntary care

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Participation in social activities, 1997-2011

Participation; contacts, personal situation, church, volunteer work by personal characteristics.


Employment marginally down

The number of employee jobs declined by 4 thousand in the fourth quarter of 2013 relative to the third quarter. In the preceding quarters, the decline was much more substantial.


Lower incomes less active in their leisure time

People in the lower income brackets are less active in their leisure time than people in higher income categories.


Unemployment creeping up

According to the most recent figures, seasonally adjusted unemployment rose marginally in March 2012 to 465 thousand, i.e. 5.9 percent of the labour force.


Far fewer jobs

Taking seasonal effects into account, there were 47 thousand fewer jobs (0.6 percent) in the third than in the second quarter of 2013.


Six in every ten companies allow teleworking

Last year, 59 percent of companies employing 10 at least 10 persons allowed teleworking. The sectors financial services and ICT promote large-scale teleworking.


Six percent of dwellings officially unoccupied

On 1 January 2010, the Dutch housing stock included more than 7 million dwellings, of which 417 thousand (just under 6 percent) were vacant. These houses are officially registered as unoccupied.


Growing confidence in the military

Last year, more than six in every ten over-15s indicated to have confidence in the military, i.e. slightly more than in 2012. People have more confidence in police and judiciary, but less confidence...


Inflation rate historically low in 2006

The inflation rate over 2006 averaged 1.1 percent, unprecedented since 1989.


more second-job holders

Statistics Netherlands announced today that last year 467 thousand employees had two jobs. The share of second-job holders has risen to 7.6 percent of all employees.


Baby boomers: ripples of a birth wave

Some 2.4 million babies were born in the Netherlands in the period 1946–1955. Although births also peaked in other countries in western Europe after the war, until the mid 1950s the Dutch birth rate...


Dutch government spends more on prisons and judicial procedures

Dutch government spending on public order and security amounted to 11.3 billion euro in 2007. This is 6 percent more than in 2006.


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1987 - 2013

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.
