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12343 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12343 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Protein crop cultivation slightly increased

In 2022, cultivation of protein-rich crops such as alfalfa, field beans and soybeans has increased slightly.


Pump prices motor fuels; location petrol station, type fuel

Average prices motorfuels; petrol, diesel and lpg Pump prices per month


Vacancies; SIC 2008; private firms and government sectors

Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies by economic activities (SIC 2008), including government


People with a driving licence; driving licence type, age, region, 1 January

Number of people with a driving licence Type of driving licence, age of licence holder, region


Well-being ‘here and now’: labour and leisure time

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Labour and leisure time.


Caribbean NL; income inequality for private households

Income inequality households - measures for income inequality


Vacancies; seasonally adjusted

Vacancies; seasonally adjusted by economic activities (SIC 2008), particuler firms and government


Liquid biofuels for transport; supply, consumption and blending

Productie, consumption, biodiesel, biogasoline, blending Biodiesel, biogasoline


Manufacturing output over 10 percent up in February

In February 2022, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 10.2 percent on February 2021.


Livestock on agricultural holdings: reference date 1 April and 1 December

Livestock on agricultural holdings with a Standard Ouptut >= 3000 euro, grazing livestock and housed animals at 1 April and 1 December


Business confidence; to sector/branches

Business confidence Sector/branches, confidence margins


SDG 4 Quality education

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 Quality education. SDG 4 stresses the importance of high quality and accessible education for all age groups and in all stages of life: from...


No more excess mortality at end of January

In January 2023, altogether nearly 15 thousand deaths were recorded, exceeding the expected mortality by more than 1,250 (9 percent).


Economic growth of 1.9 percent in Q3 2021

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 1.9 percent in Q3 2021 relative to the previous quarter.


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2015=100 (HICP)

European harmonised consumer price indices 2015 = 100, expenditures Price index, monthly and yearly rates and weightingcoëfficient


8 in 10 businesses are improving sustainability

The majority (79 percent) of businesses have implemented measures this year to make their operations more sustainable.


Government deficit for 2021 down to 2.5 percent of GDP

In 2021, the Dutch government recorded a budget deficit of almost 22 billion euros. This is equal to 2.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).


Construction industry; productive hours in construction of buildings

Productive hours Productive hours in construction of buildings


Overnight accommodation; capacity, type of accommodation, beds, region

Number of establishments, sleeping places (beds) and rooms of overnight accommodation by type of accommodation and region


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price index 2020=100, region

Existing own homes; price indices 2020=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, region


Inland navigation reached record level in 2021

In 2021, inland vessels carried 369 million tonnes of goods. This is 5.8 percent more than in the previous year and also the heaviest weight ever carried over a year via inland waterways.


Investments 4.5 percent up in October

In October 2022, the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.5 percent larger year on year. This is mainly because investments in buildings and passenger cars were up.


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price index 2020=100, type of dwelling

Existing own homes; price index 2020=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, type of dwelling


SEEA-EEA biodiversity account 2006-2013

This report present the experimental biodiversity account for the Netherlands (2006-2013), which is one of the thematic accounts of the SEEA-EEA ecosystem account.
