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1449 results for output

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Marginal improvement economic situation

The economic situation at the end of July is slightly less negative than at the end of June. Although improvements outnumber deteriorations, the heart of the scatter in the Business Cycle Tracer is...


Business confidence remains high

Business confidence in Q3 2016


Institutional investors; balance sheet 1998-2016

Financial instrument by borrowing or lending party Pension funds, insurance corporations and investment funds.


Workers less satisfied with pay and promotion prospects

Workers in the Netherlands were again less satisfied with their earnings and their prospects of promotion in 2004 than in 2003. Men were more satisfied on both aspects than women, but the differences...


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2017

In Q1 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were higher than in Q1 2016.


Producer confidence

What is the survey about Producer confidence?


Introducing: the new StatLine

online database. It covers a myriad of themes around the Dutch economy and society


selling prices manufacturing industry below last year's level

In August 2015, output prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 8.1 percent down from August 2014. In July this year, prices were 5.9 percent below the level of twelve months...


Exports account for one third of employment

In 2012, exports of goods and services generated the equivalent of 2.2 million full-time jobs in the Netherlands. This accounts for one third of total employment in the country.


Lower year-on-year selling prices in manufacturing

In April 2015, retail prices of Dutch manufactured products were 6.1 down percent from April 2014. In March this year, prices were 6.9 percent below the level of twelve months previously.


Economic situation remains stable

The economic situation at the end of April has hardly changed compared with the end of March. Improvements and deteriorations almost cancelled each other out. The heart of the scatter in the Business...


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in July was about the same as in June. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill in the last few months.


Slightly better circumstances for Dutch exports

Circumstances were still unfavourable for Dutch exports in August 2009. But the situation is slightly better than in July, according to Statistics Netherlands’ new Exports radar.


Highest operating result in pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry achieved the highest operating result within the industry in 2015.


Trade with the UK continues to grow

How has trade with the UK developed since the Brexit referendum?


Economic growth 3.5 percent in 2007

Based on Statistics Netherlands’ first estimate of fourth quarter growth in 2007, Dutch economic growth in 2007 came to 3.5 percent.


Higher CO2 emissions in Q4 2016

In Q4 2016, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands rose by 7.3 percent year-on-year.


Second estimate fourth quarter 2013: economic growth 0.9 percent, growth over 2013 estimated at - 0.8 percent

According to the second estimate, the Dutch economy grew 0.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013 relative to the third quarter, versus 0.7 percent on the basis of the first estimate released on 14...


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation at the end of May was about the same as at the end of April. The economic situation is still fragile, the...
