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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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Households spend more than they earn

Dutch economy grew by 1.5 percent in 2005, but taking inflation into account, household incomes declined once again.


Deep learning for solar panel detection

How to improve the estimate of the total amount of solar energy generated in the Netherlands. One of these projects is Deep Solaris. In this project, we evaluated several Deep Learning methods to...


Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activity (CPA)


Mining and quarrying; employment and finance, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Mining and quarrying; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, results Extraction of crude petroleum and gas


Capital stock; national accounts 1995-2016

Capital stock; volume changes SIC 2008; institutional sectors and asset types


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. SDG 11.2 concerns the environment in which people have their homes and lead their lives.


De jaren 10 in 10 cijfers

Wat hebben de jaren tien ons gebracht? Hoe staan de economie en de samenleving er nu voor? En hoe was dat aan het begin van het decennium? Aan de hand van een vijftiental indicatoren schetst het CBS...


160 thousand fewer employed in April

In April, the number of people in paid employment fell by 160 thousand to 8.9 million. A decline of this magnitude within one month has not occurred since compilation of monthly figures started...


Well-being elsewhere

What is well-being ‘elsewhere’? Well-being ‘elsewhere’ concerns the effect that the Dutch pursuit of prosperity has on the rest of the world, and particularly on the least developed countries (LDCs).


Industry; production and sales, index 2010=100, '05 January - '18 September

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Growth accounts; national accounts 1995-2016

Productivity; labour; capital; growth accounts SIC 2008


Economic picture mid-April slightly less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in mid-April is slightly less favourable than in the previous month.


Dutch agriculture: increase in scale and lower incomes

The number of farms and horticultural businesses in the Netherlands decreased substantially in the period 1995-2009. Labour volume in this sector and agricultural income also fell.


SDG 11.2 Living environment

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 Sustainable cities and communities: living environment. SDG 11.2 concerns the environment in which people have their homes and lead their lives.



How prepared is the Netherlands to cope immediately with an extreme shock? Will people still be able to earn their livelihood, and how will the most vulnerable groups cope? Are Dutch nature, social...


Looking back on the 2010s in figures

Using 15 indicators, CBS reviews the past decade: the 2010s.


Measuring the internet economy of South Korea

an important contribution to the realization of IT policy and the development of the national economy in South Korea


Production figures industry (excl. construction) (1995-2008)

Indices (2000=100) production, sales and orders, industry (excl. construction) and production development by SIC 1993.


Choice of an Index Method for Consumer Energy Prices

Recently, detailed customer data of utility companies were made available to Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Gender pay gap still narrowing

In 2019, the wage gap between men and women narrowed further in the Netherlands. Women’s average gross hourly earnings were 14 percent lower than men’s.


Regional economic growth 2002-2006

Volume, deflator SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Household spending almost 3 percent up in December

Dutch consumers spent 2.9 percent more in December 2019 than in December 2018.


Civil engineering works; Input price index 2008-2019

Price indices on the basis of 2010 = 100 and changes compared to 1 year earlier regarding several areas of work.
