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1627 results for mortgage costs
1627 results for mortgage costs

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Employment decline less substantial

There were 63 thousand fewer jobs of employees in the second quarter of 2010 than in the second quarter of 2009, i.e. a decline by 0.8 percent. The decline is less substantial than in the previous...


Multinationals account for 30 percent of economy

In 2016, multinational enterprises generated 30 percent of the 635 billion euros in value added.


Considerable increase WW benefits continues in third quarter of 2009

By the end of the third quarter of 2009, nearly 242 thousand regular unemployment (WW) benefits were granted, i.e. 21 thousand more than in the previous quarter. Additionally, 36 thousand part-time...


Turnover slightly up for hotels and restaurants

The hotel and restaurant sector booked 1.1 percent more turnover in the first quarter of this year than in the same quarter last year. This is the second quarter in a row that turnover in the hotel...


Inflation rate drops marginally

Dutch inflation was 2.6 percent in October, 0.1 percentage points lower than in September. Prices charged for airline tickets and petrol largely accounted for the decline.


Considerable increase student loans

Over the period 1997-2009, the share of student loans in the system student loans and grants has steadily grown. The total amount of public spending on student loans and grants has also increased...


Childcare no longer stands in the way of mothers who want to work

One in five mothers who do not work or who have a part-time job want to work for more hours a week. Their reason for not doing so is hardly ever a shortage of suitable childcare.


More and more passengers travel through Dutch airports

Last year, more than 58 million passengers travelled through Dutch airports, versus 46 million in 2009. Due to the considerable growth in the number of passengers, airports boasted better turnover...


Sharp fall in business-related hotel stays

The number of nights spent in Dutch hotels by people on business trips fell by 6 percent in 2008, to 15.7 million. The fall has been continuing in 2009: in the first five months the number of nights...


Inflation up on Bonaire and Saba

In the third quarter of 2013, inflation was 1.8 percent on Bonaire and 1.4 percent on Saba. These rates were higher than in the previous quarter. On St Eustatius, inflation was down slightly, at 1.7...


Dutch hauliers cover 470 million kilometres on Belgian roads

Altogether, Dutch hauliers covered 470 million km in Belgium last year. The introduction in 2016 of the kilometre levy on Belgian roads threatens to cost the Dutch road transport sector tens of...


Prices of detached houses falls by most

Prices of own homes were 8.5 percent lower on average in the second quarter of this year than in the same quarter last year. The price drop was largest for detached houses.


Municipal expenditure down for third consecutive year

Municipal spending exceeded 52 billion euros in 2012, i.e. nearly 1 billion euros down from 2011. Municipal spending declined for the third year in a row and was 3.8 billion below the level of 2009.
