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3262 results for base shift
3262 results for base shift

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Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss

Understanding 100 years of farmland biodiversity loss


State space time series

Model selection and MSE estimation in the state space model for the Dutch Labour Force Survey.


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2005=100 (HICP), 2002-2015

European harmonised consumer price indices. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2005 = 100)


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Main mode of transport (passenger transport)

The mode of transport assigned when multiple modes of transport are used in a given journey. The assignment is based on a sequence of priorities, determined in advance.


Field of education SOI 2006

The place of educational programs in the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2006 based on the economic sector, area of working live or scientific area on which the program focuses.


Social assistance benefits in kind

Goods and services provided to households, based on social security legislation. These are financed by general taxes, and seen as government consumption rather than income transfers (e.g. individual...


Social security benefits in kind

Goods and services provided to households, based on social security legislation. These are mainly financed by premiums, and seen as government consumption rather than income transfers.


Educational level SOI 1978

The place in the classification of educational programs by level according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1978. This level is based on the minimum educational attainment...


Dutch as a second language

There is a classification of the linguistic competence in Dutch as a second language based on the qualification structure for adult education laid down in the Adult and Vocational Education Act of...


Educational level SOI 1998

The place in the classification of educational programs by level according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 1998. This level is based on the minimum educational attainment...


Trade deficit on St Eustatius down in 2018

In 2018, the trade deficits of Bonaire and Saba rose while the deficit of St Eustatius declined.


Educational level SOI 2006

The place in the classification of educational programs by level according to the Dutch Standard Classification of Education (SOI) 2003. This level is based on the minimum educational attainment...


Dutch Standard Classification of Occupations (SBC) 1992

The classification of occupations used by Statistics Netherlands until 2012 is based on type of work. In the 1992 classification the level and field of the required skills are the main criteria. The...


The internet essential for fifty thousand businesses

More than 50 duizend businesses in the Netherlands rely on the internet for their revenues.


Number of brewers more than quadrupled since 2007

The number of beer breweries in the Netherlands has more than quadrupled.


Type 2 diabetes often linked to cardiovascular disease

People aged 45 and over with type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer from other long-term disorders.


Q4 economic growth 0.3 percent

The Dutch economy grew 0.3 percent in Q4 2015 relative to the previous quarter.


Economic growth 0.5 percent in Q1 2016

Economic growth 0.5 percent in Q1 2016


One-quarter of lowest educated obese

One-quarter of lowest educated obese


Nearly 1 in 10 Dutch people frequently lonely in 2019

Last year, 9 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 and over reported they frequently feel lonely; 26 percent said they were somewhat lonely, while the remaining 66 percent were not feeling lonely


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


More asylum seekers in 2018

The number of asylum requests increased again in 2018, with a notable rise in the number of Turkish citizens filing asylum applications.


Using Twitter data to measure emotions

Kunneman thinks the particular value of detecting emotions on Twitter


Producer Prices (2000=100) by ProdCom

Price index information according to the (European) ProdCom nomenclature for commodities sold, imported, exported in the Netherlands
