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2390 results for health insurance
2390 results for health insurance

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Obesity increases risk of chronic disorders

One in ten people in the Netherlands suffered from obesity in 2012. They are much more likely to develop diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, degenerative joint disease and cardiovascular disease...


Contribution to volume growth of GDP; National Accounts, 2016-2018

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input by region


Household consumption nearly 1 percent up in January

Dutch household consumption was almost 1 percent up in January 2019 on January 2018.


Unemployment rise slows down as young people leave labour market

Statistics Netherlands announced today that unemployment rose by 3 thousand people in April. This has slowed down the rise in unemployment at the beginning of the year. It is not the result of more...


Consumer prices 2.8 percent up in March

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.8 percent higher in March than in the same month one year previously.


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

This survey provides on an annual as well as a quarterly basis insight into the population size and composition of jobs of foreign-born employees working in the Netherlands.


Young people in low-income households more often overweight

Approximately 15 percent of 2 to 25-year-olds struggle with overweight. Young members of low-income households are more often overweight and have more GP contacts than their counterparts in the...


Amount saved in life course schemes increases for the first time

Last year, employees saved 908 million euro in life course schemes, an increase by over 10 percent relative to 2008. They withdrew more than 164 million euro in 2009, over 35 percent more than in the...


The State; tax revenues, ESA 1999-2011

Taxes on income and property, production and imports and death duty in terms of the ESA 1995 categories.


Well-educated women have highest life expectancy

Lower educated people not only live shorter lives, their healthy life expectancy is shorter too. On average, men with only primary education enjoy no more than 50 years in good health, whereas...


Museums; public access, collection, visits, costs and revenues 1993-2009

Museums; public access, collection, visits, exhibitions, costs & revenu Museums; visits, costs & revenu


Deaths; accidents, residents, 1996-2017

Dutch residents died in the given year due to an accident mainly traffic accidents, accidental falls, drowning or poisoning


More state-owned shares, more dividend

The financial crisis forced the Dutch government to intervene in the affairs of a number banks and insurance companies at the end of 2008. Among other things, this intervention resulted in a...


Wealth distribution of households; NA, 2005-2014

Wealth distribution of different household groups in the Netherlands Source of income, living situation, household composition, age and income


Households lost purchasing power in 2004

Real spendable household income fell again in 2004. Enterprises made more profits.


Total amount deposited in life-course savings schemes stable, more withdrawals

Employees saved 893 million euro in life-course savings accounts last year, approximately the same amount as in 2009. Withdrawals amounted to 233 million euro, an increase by 45 percent relative to...


Consumer prices 2.2 percent up in January

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2.2 percent higher in January than in the same month one year previously.


Obesity rate in the Netherlands lower than in other OECD countries

The proportion of obese people in the Dutch population has doubled within the last two decades, but is still below the average level across the OECD countries. At the same time, health care...


Household consumption over 2 percent up in December

Dutch household consumption was over 2 percent up in December 2018 on December 2017.


Dutch companies paying more dividend

Dutch companies quoted on the stock exchange paid more than 7.6 billion euro in dividend in the first half of 2011. This is half a billion euro more than in the first half of 2010.


Holidays; key figures, 1990-2016

Holidays of Dutch population in own country and abroad holiday destination, type accommodation, type of transportation


Producer price indices for services (SPPI); index 2010=100, 2002-2017

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture
