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1792 results for consumption
1792 results for consumption

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Dutch economy contracts by 1.1 percent

The Dutch economy contracted by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared to the first quarter of 2011.This negative growth was realised with one working day extra. In the fourth quarter of...


Index figures on imports and exports per category of goods, 1996=100

Volume, price and value indices on imports and exports, broken down by category of goods


Smart ways of monitoring solar power

Smart ways of monitoring solar power.


What is the scale of greenhouse gas emissions?

What is the scale of greenhouse gas emissions?


Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100

Short Surveydescription Harmonised consumer price index (HICP) 2015=100


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; road traffic

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of road traffic by vehicle category, fuel type and road type


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources ,1990-2018

Air pollution, emissions and emission factors of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Environmental protection expenditure

Total environmental expenditure as a percentage of GDP has increased slightly since 2000, indicating that relatively more financial resources have been committed to protection of the environment.


The Sustainable Development Goals in the Monitor of Well-being

Latest data in the Monitor of Well-being & the SDGs 2023 on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A summary overview of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and well-being aspects for...


Savings in groundwater and tap water use

In spite of the increase in the population, the amount of tap water used by Dutch households hardly changed in the period 1990-2009.


Most EU targets not yet achieved by the Netherlands

percentage of people who have successfully completed tertiary-level education


Gross fixed capital formation by destination; NA, 1969-2016

Gross fixed capital formation by destination Economic activities conform Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC)


growth care expenditure at lowest level in 15 years

Last year, total spending on care rose by 1.6 percent, i.e. less than in prior years. This is partly due to the fact that the growth in medicine consumption slowed down and the average price level of...


Production process more environmentally efficient, but no green growth

Economic growth is often realised to the detriment of the environment.


Calculating personal inflation

The website of Statistics Netherlands now comprises a personal inflation calculator. Everyone in the Netherlands can work out his or her personal inflation by filling in the amounts they spend on...


Economic situation improves

The economic situation improved in August.
