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3810 results for young people
3810 results for young people

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Employment up again

Changes in employed and unemployed labour force, October 2017


Unemployment below pre-crisis level

In November, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent of the Dutch labour force. This was slightly below the level just before the onset of the crisis at the end of 2008.


Number of employed further up

In the months June - August, unemployment declined by an average 10 thousand persons to 426 thousand.


Digitale veiligheid en criminaliteit

Hoeveel mensen werden slachtoffer van cybercrime? CBS-redactiechef Dick ter Steege vat de resulaten van pilotonderzoek 'Digitale Veiligheid en Criminaliteit' samen.


Placed under supervision

A supervision order restricts parental authority. If the development of a child or young person is seriously threatened and the child's parents or caretakers do not (fully) accept the care neccessary...



Tit-for-tat policy for young first offenders who have committed certain types of crime, such as vandalism, yobbism and less serious crimes against property.


More employed in February

In the period December through February, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 13 thousand per month. The number of employed stood at more than 8.9 million at...


Economy hit harder in most other EU countries

The Dutch economy was dealt a severe blow in the first half of 2020, with the contraction that occurred over the second quarter the severest ever recorded.


Employment rate virtually the same for six months

Between June and August 2018, the number of people aged 15 to 74 in paid employment grew by an average of 20 thousand per month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that total employment reached 8.8...



Background file on population and immigration.


More Caribbean Dutch in employment in 2018

In 2018, the labour participation rate on the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands was higher than two years previously.


Detention centre

Penitentiary for imprisonment of several types of offenders: People in detention on remand who must await their trial in detention, people serving a short jail sentence, several special legal cases...


Employment up again

Changes in employed and unemployed labour force, September 2017


The labour market in a nutshell

How many people did not work and how many were officially unemployend in the 2nd quarter of 2020? CBS'Chief Economist Peter Hein van Mulligen has a short explanation about these figures.


Good summer for campsites and holiday parks due to domestic tourism

Dutch tourist accommodations booked a record number of overnight stays in July and August 2020, even more than in the peak year 2019.


More deaths during recent heat wave

The heat wave in week 30 of 2019 caused 2,964 deaths. This is nearly 400 more deaths than during an average summer week. During the heat waves in 2006, the number of additional fatalities per week...


1,917 suicide deaths in 2017

In 2017, 1,917 people took their own lives, i.e. 23 more than in 2016.


Employment up further at end of 2018

Unemployment stood at 3.6 percent in December 2018, slightly higher than the previous month. In the previous 3 months, an average of 13 thousand employed were added each month. There were 329...


Unemployment continues to fall in January 2018

The number of 15 to 74-year-olds in paid work was on average 176 thousand up on 2016.


Number of unemployed drops below 400 thousand

Changes in employed and unemployed labour force, November 2017


Emigration (incl. administrative corrections)

Emigration including administrative corrections. People leaving for another country plus people removed on administrative grounds, minus people entered on administrative grounds.


One-quarter of population notice drug-related issues in own neighbourhood

In 2019, nearly one-quarter (24.3 percent) of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over reported the incidence of drug use or trafficking in their own neighbourhood.


Nearly one-quarter of non-Dutch voters are Polish

Around 13.5 million inhabitants of the Netherlands are eligible to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections. Of this group, 3.6 percent do not hold the Dutch nationality but do have EU...


Employment growth continues

Employment grew in July. The number of people without work dropped.


Immigration up in first half of 2019

In the first six months of 2019, the population of the Netherlands grew more rapidly than in the same period last year.
