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4254 results for use of medicines

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Consumer prices on Bonaire down by 5.2 percent

In Q4 2020, prices of consumer goods and services on Bonaire declined by 5.2 percent relative to the same quarter of the previous year.


Inflation rate rose to 1.8 percent in February

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.8 percent higher in February than in the same month last year.


Unemployment down to 3.3 percent in May

In May 2021, 309 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.3 percent of the labour force.


Number of adult smokers down in 2020

In 2020, 20 percent of the Dutch adult population indicated they smoked occasionally.


Lifestyle, preventive screening; personal characteristics; 2010-2013

Smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight, height, weight, contraceptive pill use and preventive screening.


Aviation 2020

Aviation in 2020


Economic outlook less negative

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become more less unfavourable in March 2021.


Crime, safety and victim’s rights

report ‘Crime, safety and victims’ rights’ from the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) will be published. FRA and Statistics Netherlands have worked together on this specific research and Statistics...


Jobs of employees; internationalisation of companies 2010-2018

Employee jobs, job volume, wage International trade in goods and services, multinationals, ownership


A clearer picture of wealth in the Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is improving its wealth statistics.


Goods imports from China worth over 39 billion euros

In 2018, the Netherlands imported 39.2 billion euros in goods from China. Two-thirds were re-exported.


Manual retail price observations discontinued

Manual retail price observations discontinued


Searching for business websites

Searching for the website addresses of businesses


Lower CO2 emissions in third quarter of 2019

In the third quarter of 2019, CO2 emissions were 4.4 percent down year-on-year.


Unemployment rate further down, to 3.4 percent in April

In April 2021, 316 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.4 percent of the labour force.


Tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic

In 2020, tourism in the Caribbean Netherlands was heavily impacted by the measures and flight restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Looking back on the 2010s in figures

Using 15 indicators, CBS reviews the past decade: the 2010s.


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Less CO2 emitted in Q3 2020

In the third quarter of 2020, CO 2 emissions were 4.5 percent down year-on-year.


Avocado imports up by 19 percent in 2020

More and more, the Netherlands has developed into a gateway to Europe for avocados from around the world.


Distribution of well-being in 2020 similar to 2019

Well-being is not equally distributed in the Netherlands.


Girls more on social networks than boys

A large majority of young people (ages 12 to 24 yrs) use the internet (almost) every day. Girls are online for social networking more often than boys.


Inflation rate rose to 1.6 percent in January

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.6 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Female majority in one-third of high-level occupations

There are more female than male workers in over one-third of occupational groups at higher levels, especially in the sector care and welfare and in education. This is related to fields of study...


Construction sector leading in waste and recycling

Reuse of recycled materials contributes to the government target of realising a fully circular economy by 2050. The construction sector generated the most waste in 2016 but also used half of all...
